2024-09-25 21:59:44 -04:00

2987 lines
85 KiB

package fasthttp
import (
var errNoCertOrKeyProvided = errors.New("cert or key has not provided")
// ErrAlreadyServing is deprecated.
// Deprecated: ErrAlreadyServing is never returned from Serve. See issue #633.
var ErrAlreadyServing = errors.New("Server is already serving connections")
// ServeConn serves HTTP requests from the given connection
// using the given handler.
// ServeConn returns nil if all requests from the c are successfully served.
// It returns non-nil error otherwise.
// Connection c must immediately propagate all the data passed to Write()
// to the client. Otherwise requests' processing may hang.
// ServeConn closes c before returning.
func ServeConn(c net.Conn, handler RequestHandler) error {
v := serverPool.Get()
if v == nil {
v = &Server{}
s := v.(*Server)
s.Handler = handler
err := s.ServeConn(c)
s.Handler = nil
return err
var serverPool sync.Pool
// Serve serves incoming connections from the given listener
// using the given handler.
// Serve blocks until the given listener returns permanent error.
func Serve(ln net.Listener, handler RequestHandler) error {
s := &Server{
Handler: handler,
return s.Serve(ln)
// ServeTLS serves HTTPS requests from the given net.Listener
// using the given handler.
// certFile and keyFile are paths to TLS certificate and key files.
func ServeTLS(ln net.Listener, certFile, keyFile string, handler RequestHandler) error {
s := &Server{
Handler: handler,
return s.ServeTLS(ln, certFile, keyFile)
// ServeTLSEmbed serves HTTPS requests from the given net.Listener
// using the given handler.
// certData and keyData must contain valid TLS certificate and key data.
func ServeTLSEmbed(ln net.Listener, certData, keyData []byte, handler RequestHandler) error {
s := &Server{
Handler: handler,
return s.ServeTLSEmbed(ln, certData, keyData)
// ListenAndServe serves HTTP requests from the given TCP addr
// using the given handler.
func ListenAndServe(addr string, handler RequestHandler) error {
s := &Server{
Handler: handler,
return s.ListenAndServe(addr)
// ListenAndServeUNIX serves HTTP requests from the given UNIX addr
// using the given handler.
// The function deletes existing file at addr before starting serving.
// The server sets the given file mode for the UNIX addr.
func ListenAndServeUNIX(addr string, mode os.FileMode, handler RequestHandler) error {
s := &Server{
Handler: handler,
return s.ListenAndServeUNIX(addr, mode)
// ListenAndServeTLS serves HTTPS requests from the given TCP addr
// using the given handler.
// certFile and keyFile are paths to TLS certificate and key files.
func ListenAndServeTLS(addr, certFile, keyFile string, handler RequestHandler) error {
s := &Server{
Handler: handler,
return s.ListenAndServeTLS(addr, certFile, keyFile)
// ListenAndServeTLSEmbed serves HTTPS requests from the given TCP addr
// using the given handler.
// certData and keyData must contain valid TLS certificate and key data.
func ListenAndServeTLSEmbed(addr string, certData, keyData []byte, handler RequestHandler) error {
s := &Server{
Handler: handler,
return s.ListenAndServeTLSEmbed(addr, certData, keyData)
// RequestHandler must process incoming requests.
// RequestHandler must call ctx.TimeoutError() before returning
// if it keeps references to ctx and/or its members after the return.
// Consider wrapping RequestHandler into TimeoutHandler if response time
// must be limited.
type RequestHandler func(ctx *RequestCtx)
// ServeHandler must process tls.Config.NextProto negotiated requests.
type ServeHandler func(c net.Conn) error
// Server implements HTTP server.
// Default Server settings should satisfy the majority of Server users.
// Adjust Server settings only if you really understand the consequences.
// It is forbidden copying Server instances. Create new Server instances
// instead.
// It is safe to call Server methods from concurrently running goroutines.
type Server struct {
noCopy noCopy
perIPConnCounter perIPConnCounter
ctxPool sync.Pool
readerPool sync.Pool
writerPool sync.Pool
hijackConnPool sync.Pool
// Logger, which is used by RequestCtx.Logger().
// By default standard logger from log package is used.
Logger Logger
// Handler for processing incoming requests.
// Take into account that no `panic` recovery is done by `fasthttp` (thus any `panic` will take down the entire server).
// Instead the user should use `recover` to handle these situations.
Handler RequestHandler
// ErrorHandler for returning a response in case of an error while receiving or parsing the request.
// The following is a non-exhaustive list of errors that can be expected as argument:
// * io.EOF
// * io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
// * ErrGetOnly
// * ErrSmallBuffer
// * ErrBodyTooLarge
// * ErrBrokenChunks
ErrorHandler func(ctx *RequestCtx, err error)
// HeaderReceived is called after receiving the header.
// Non zero RequestConfig field values will overwrite the default configs
HeaderReceived func(header *RequestHeader) RequestConfig
// ContinueHandler is called after receiving the Expect 100 Continue Header.
// https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec8.html#sec8.2.3
// https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.1.1
// Using ContinueHandler a server can make decisioning on whether or not
// to read a potentially large request body based on the headers.
// The default is to automatically read request bodies of Expect 100 Continue requests
// like they are normal requests.
ContinueHandler func(header *RequestHeader) bool
// ConnState specifies an optional callback function that is
// called when a client connection changes state. See the
// ConnState type and associated constants for details.
ConnState func(net.Conn, ConnState)
// TLSConfig optionally provides a TLS configuration for use
// by ServeTLS, ServeTLSEmbed, ListenAndServeTLS, ListenAndServeTLSEmbed,
// AppendCert, AppendCertEmbed and NextProto.
// Note that this value is cloned by ServeTLS, ServeTLSEmbed, ListenAndServeTLS
// and ListenAndServeTLSEmbed, so it's not possible to modify the configuration
// with methods like tls.Config.SetSessionTicketKeys.
// To use SetSessionTicketKeys, use Server.Serve with a TLS Listener
// instead.
TLSConfig *tls.Config
// FormValueFunc, which is used by RequestCtx.FormValue and support for customizing
// the behaviour of the RequestCtx.FormValue function.
// NetHttpFormValueFunc gives a FormValueFunc func implementation that is consistent with net/http.
FormValueFunc FormValueFunc
nextProtos map[string]ServeHandler
concurrencyCh chan struct{}
idleConns map[net.Conn]time.Time
done chan struct{}
// Server name for sending in response headers.
// Default server name is used if left blank.
Name string
// We need to know our listeners and idle connections so we can close them in Shutdown().
ln []net.Listener
// The maximum number of concurrent connections the server may serve.
// DefaultConcurrency is used if not set.
// Concurrency only works if you either call Serve once, or only ServeConn multiple times.
// It works with ListenAndServe as well.
Concurrency int
// Per-connection buffer size for requests' reading.
// This also limits the maximum header size.
// Increase this buffer if your clients send multi-KB RequestURIs
// and/or multi-KB headers (for example, BIG cookies).
// Default buffer size is used if not set.
ReadBufferSize int
// Per-connection buffer size for responses' writing.
// Default buffer size is used if not set.
WriteBufferSize int
// ReadTimeout is the amount of time allowed to read
// the full request including body. The connection's read
// deadline is reset when the connection opens, or for
// keep-alive connections after the first byte has been read.
// By default request read timeout is unlimited.
ReadTimeout time.Duration
// WriteTimeout is the maximum duration before timing out
// writes of the response. It is reset after the request handler
// has returned.
// By default response write timeout is unlimited.
WriteTimeout time.Duration
// IdleTimeout is the maximum amount of time to wait for the
// next request when keep-alive is enabled. If IdleTimeout
// is zero, the value of ReadTimeout is used.
IdleTimeout time.Duration
// Maximum number of concurrent client connections allowed per IP.
// By default unlimited number of concurrent connections
// may be established to the server from a single IP address.
MaxConnsPerIP int
// Maximum number of requests served per connection.
// The server closes connection after the last request.
// 'Connection: close' header is added to the last response.
// By default unlimited number of requests may be served per connection.
MaxRequestsPerConn int
// MaxKeepaliveDuration is a no-op and only left here for backwards compatibility.
// Deprecated: Use IdleTimeout instead.
MaxKeepaliveDuration time.Duration
// MaxIdleWorkerDuration is the maximum idle time of a single worker in the underlying
// worker pool of the Server. Idle workers beyond this time will be cleared.
MaxIdleWorkerDuration time.Duration
// Period between tcp keep-alive messages.
// TCP keep-alive period is determined by operation system by default.
TCPKeepalivePeriod time.Duration
// Maximum request body size.
// The server rejects requests with bodies exceeding this limit.
// Request body size is limited by DefaultMaxRequestBodySize by default.
MaxRequestBodySize int
// SleepWhenConcurrencyLimitsExceeded is a duration to be slept of if
// the concurrency limit in exceeded (default [when is 0]: don't sleep
// and accept new connections immediately).
SleepWhenConcurrencyLimitsExceeded time.Duration
idleConnsMu sync.Mutex
mu sync.Mutex
concurrency uint32
open int32
stop int32
rejectedRequestsCount uint32
// Whether to disable keep-alive connections.
// The server will close all the incoming connections after sending
// the first response to client if this option is set to true.
// By default keep-alive connections are enabled.
DisableKeepalive bool
// Whether to enable tcp keep-alive connections.
// Whether the operating system should send tcp keep-alive messages on the tcp connection.
// By default tcp keep-alive connections are disabled.
TCPKeepalive bool
// Aggressively reduces memory usage at the cost of higher CPU usage
// if set to true.
// Try enabling this option only if the server consumes too much memory
// serving mostly idle keep-alive connections. This may reduce memory
// usage by more than 50%.
// Aggressive memory usage reduction is disabled by default.
ReduceMemoryUsage bool
// Rejects all non-GET requests if set to true.
// This option is useful as anti-DoS protection for servers
// accepting only GET requests and HEAD requests. The request size is limited
// by ReadBufferSize if GetOnly is set.
// Server accepts all the requests by default.
GetOnly bool
// Will not pre parse Multipart Form data if set to true.
// This option is useful for servers that desire to treat
// multipart form data as a binary blob, or choose when to parse the data.
// Server pre parses multipart form data by default.
DisablePreParseMultipartForm bool
// Logs all errors, including the most frequent
// 'connection reset by peer', 'broken pipe' and 'connection timeout'
// errors. Such errors are common in production serving real-world
// clients.
// By default the most frequent errors such as
// 'connection reset by peer', 'broken pipe' and 'connection timeout'
// are suppressed in order to limit output log traffic.
LogAllErrors bool
// Will not log potentially sensitive content in error logs
// This option is useful for servers that handle sensitive data
// in the request/response.
// Server logs all full errors by default.
SecureErrorLogMessage bool
// Header names are passed as-is without normalization
// if this option is set.
// Disabled header names' normalization may be useful only for proxying
// incoming requests to other servers expecting case-sensitive
// header names. See https://github.com/valyala/fasthttp/issues/57
// for details.
// By default request and response header names are normalized, i.e.
// The first letter and the first letters following dashes
// are uppercased, while all the other letters are lowercased.
// Examples:
// * HOST -> Host
// * content-type -> Content-Type
// * cONTENT-lenGTH -> Content-Length
DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing bool
// NoDefaultServerHeader, when set to true, causes the default Server header
// to be excluded from the Response.
// The default Server header value is the value of the Name field or an
// internal default value in its absence. With this option set to true,
// the only time a Server header will be sent is if a non-zero length
// value is explicitly provided during a request.
NoDefaultServerHeader bool
// NoDefaultDate, when set to true, causes the default Date
// header to be excluded from the Response.
// The default Date header value is the current date value. When
// set to true, the Date will not be present.
NoDefaultDate bool
// NoDefaultContentType, when set to true, causes the default Content-Type
// header to be excluded from the Response.
// The default Content-Type header value is the internal default value. When
// set to true, the Content-Type will not be present.
NoDefaultContentType bool
// KeepHijackedConns is an opt-in disable of connection
// close by fasthttp after connections' HijackHandler returns.
// This allows to save goroutines, e.g. when fasthttp used to upgrade
// http connections to WS and connection goes to another handler,
// which will close it when needed.
KeepHijackedConns bool
// CloseOnShutdown when true adds a `Connection: close` header when the server is shutting down.
CloseOnShutdown bool
// StreamRequestBody enables request body streaming,
// and calls the handler sooner when given body is
// larger than the current limit.
StreamRequestBody bool
// TimeoutHandler creates RequestHandler, which returns StatusRequestTimeout
// error with the given msg to the client if h didn't return during
// the given duration.
// The returned handler may return StatusTooManyRequests error with the given
// msg to the client if there are more than Server.Concurrency concurrent
// handlers h are running at the moment.
func TimeoutHandler(h RequestHandler, timeout time.Duration, msg string) RequestHandler {
return TimeoutWithCodeHandler(h, timeout, msg, StatusRequestTimeout)
// TimeoutWithCodeHandler creates RequestHandler, which returns an error with
// the given msg and status code to the client if h didn't return during
// the given duration.
// The returned handler may return StatusTooManyRequests error with the given
// msg to the client if there are more than Server.Concurrency concurrent
// handlers h are running at the moment.
func TimeoutWithCodeHandler(h RequestHandler, timeout time.Duration, msg string, statusCode int) RequestHandler {
if timeout <= 0 {
return h
return func(ctx *RequestCtx) {
concurrencyCh := ctx.s.concurrencyCh
select {
case concurrencyCh <- struct{}{}:
ctx.Error(msg, StatusTooManyRequests)
ch := ctx.timeoutCh
if ch == nil {
ch = make(chan struct{}, 1)
ctx.timeoutCh = ch
go func() {
ch <- struct{}{}
ctx.timeoutTimer = initTimer(ctx.timeoutTimer, timeout)
select {
case <-ch:
case <-ctx.timeoutTimer.C:
ctx.TimeoutErrorWithCode(msg, statusCode)
// RequestConfig configure the per request deadline and body limits.
type RequestConfig struct {
// ReadTimeout is the maximum duration for reading the entire
// request body.
// A zero value means that default values will be honored.
ReadTimeout time.Duration
// WriteTimeout is the maximum duration before timing out
// writes of the response.
// A zero value means that default values will be honored.
WriteTimeout time.Duration
// Maximum request body size.
// A zero value means that default values will be honored.
MaxRequestBodySize int
// CompressHandler returns RequestHandler that transparently compresses
// response body generated by h if the request contains 'gzip' or 'deflate'
// 'Accept-Encoding' header.
func CompressHandler(h RequestHandler) RequestHandler {
return CompressHandlerLevel(h, CompressDefaultCompression)
// CompressHandlerLevel returns RequestHandler that transparently compresses
// response body generated by h if the request contains a 'gzip' or 'deflate'
// 'Accept-Encoding' header.
// Level is the desired compression level:
// - CompressNoCompression
// - CompressBestSpeed
// - CompressBestCompression
// - CompressDefaultCompression
// - CompressHuffmanOnly
func CompressHandlerLevel(h RequestHandler, level int) RequestHandler {
return func(ctx *RequestCtx) {
switch {
case ctx.Request.Header.HasAcceptEncodingBytes(strGzip):
case ctx.Request.Header.HasAcceptEncodingBytes(strDeflate):
case ctx.Request.Header.HasAcceptEncodingBytes(strZstd):
// CompressHandlerBrotliLevel returns RequestHandler that transparently compresses
// response body generated by h if the request contains a 'br', 'gzip' or 'deflate'
// 'Accept-Encoding' header.
// brotliLevel is the desired compression level for brotli.
// - CompressBrotliNoCompression
// - CompressBrotliBestSpeed
// - CompressBrotliBestCompression
// - CompressBrotliDefaultCompression
// otherLevel is the desired compression level for gzip and deflate.
// - CompressNoCompression
// - CompressBestSpeed
// - CompressBestCompression
// - CompressDefaultCompression
// - CompressHuffmanOnly
func CompressHandlerBrotliLevel(h RequestHandler, brotliLevel, otherLevel int) RequestHandler {
return func(ctx *RequestCtx) {
switch {
case ctx.Request.Header.HasAcceptEncodingBytes(strBr):
case ctx.Request.Header.HasAcceptEncodingBytes(strGzip):
case ctx.Request.Header.HasAcceptEncodingBytes(strDeflate):
case ctx.Request.Header.HasAcceptEncodingBytes(strZstd):
// RequestCtx contains incoming request and manages outgoing response.
// It is forbidden copying RequestCtx instances.
// RequestHandler should avoid holding references to incoming RequestCtx and/or
// its members after the return.
// If holding RequestCtx references after the return is unavoidable
// (for instance, ctx is passed to a separate goroutine and ctx lifetime cannot
// be controlled), then the RequestHandler MUST call ctx.TimeoutError()
// before return.
// It is unsafe modifying/reading RequestCtx instance from concurrently
// running goroutines. The only exception is TimeoutError*, which may be called
// while other goroutines accessing RequestCtx.
type RequestCtx struct {
noCopy noCopy
// Outgoing response.
// Copying Response by value is forbidden. Use pointer to Response instead.
Response Response
connTime time.Time
time time.Time
logger ctxLogger
remoteAddr net.Addr
c net.Conn
s *Server
timeoutResponse *Response
timeoutCh chan struct{}
timeoutTimer *time.Timer
hijackHandler HijackHandler
formValueFunc FormValueFunc
fbr firstByteReader
userValues userData
// Incoming request.
// Copying Request by value is forbidden. Use pointer to Request instead.
Request Request
connID uint64
connRequestNum uint64
hijackNoResponse bool
// HijackHandler must process the hijacked connection c.
// If KeepHijackedConns is disabled, which is by default,
// the connection c is automatically closed after returning from HijackHandler.
// The connection c must not be used after returning from the handler, if KeepHijackedConns is disabled.
// When KeepHijackedConns enabled, fasthttp will not Close() the connection,
// you must do it when you need it. You must not use c in any way after calling Close().
type HijackHandler func(c net.Conn)
// Hijack registers the given handler for connection hijacking.
// The handler is called after returning from RequestHandler
// and sending http response. The current connection is passed
// to the handler. The connection is automatically closed after
// returning from the handler.
// The server skips calling the handler in the following cases:
// - 'Connection: close' header exists in either request or response.
// - Unexpected error during response writing to the connection.
// The server stops processing requests from hijacked connections.
// Server limits such as Concurrency, ReadTimeout, WriteTimeout, etc.
// aren't applied to hijacked connections.
// The handler must not retain references to ctx members.
// Arbitrary 'Connection: Upgrade' protocols may be implemented
// with HijackHandler. For instance,
// - WebSocket ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebSocket )
// - HTTP/2.0 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP/2 )
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Hijack(handler HijackHandler) {
ctx.hijackHandler = handler
// HijackSetNoResponse changes the behavior of hijacking a request.
// If HijackSetNoResponse is called with false fasthttp will send a response
// to the client before calling the HijackHandler (default). If HijackSetNoResponse
// is called with true no response is send back before calling the
// HijackHandler supplied in the Hijack function.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) HijackSetNoResponse(noResponse bool) {
ctx.hijackNoResponse = noResponse
// Hijacked returns true after Hijack is called.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Hijacked() bool {
return ctx.hijackHandler != nil
// SetUserValue stores the given value (arbitrary object)
// under the given key in ctx.
// The value stored in ctx may be obtained by UserValue*.
// This functionality may be useful for passing arbitrary values between
// functions involved in request processing.
// All the values are removed from ctx after returning from the top
// RequestHandler. Additionally, Close method is called on each value
// implementing io.Closer before removing the value from ctx.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) SetUserValue(key, value any) {
ctx.userValues.Set(key, value)
// SetUserValueBytes stores the given value (arbitrary object)
// under the given key in ctx.
// The value stored in ctx may be obtained by UserValue*.
// This functionality may be useful for passing arbitrary values between
// functions involved in request processing.
// All the values stored in ctx are deleted after returning from RequestHandler.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) SetUserValueBytes(key []byte, value any) {
ctx.userValues.SetBytes(key, value)
// UserValue returns the value stored via SetUserValue* under the given key.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) UserValue(key any) any {
return ctx.userValues.Get(key)
// UserValueBytes returns the value stored via SetUserValue*
// under the given key.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) UserValueBytes(key []byte) any {
return ctx.userValues.GetBytes(key)
// VisitUserValues calls visitor for each existing userValue with a key that is a string or []byte.
// visitor must not retain references to key and value after returning.
// Make key and/or value copies if you need storing them after returning.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) VisitUserValues(visitor func([]byte, any)) {
for i, n := 0, len(ctx.userValues); i < n; i++ {
kv := &ctx.userValues[i]
if _, ok := kv.key.(string); ok {
visitor(s2b(kv.key.(string)), kv.value)
// VisitUserValuesAll calls visitor for each existing userValue.
// visitor must not retain references to key and value after returning.
// Make key and/or value copies if you need storing them after returning.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) VisitUserValuesAll(visitor func(any, any)) {
for i, n := 0, len(ctx.userValues); i < n; i++ {
kv := &ctx.userValues[i]
visitor(kv.key, kv.value)
// ResetUserValues allows to reset user values from Request Context.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) ResetUserValues() {
// RemoveUserValue removes the given key and the value under it in ctx.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) RemoveUserValue(key any) {
// RemoveUserValueBytes removes the given key and the value under it in ctx.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) RemoveUserValueBytes(key []byte) {
type connTLSer interface {
Handshake() error
ConnectionState() tls.ConnectionState
// IsTLS returns true if the underlying connection is tls.Conn.
// tls.Conn is an encrypted connection (aka SSL, HTTPS).
func (ctx *RequestCtx) IsTLS() bool {
// cast to (connTLSer) instead of (*tls.Conn), since it catches
// cases with overridden tls.Conn such as:
// type customConn struct {
// *tls.Conn
// // other custom fields here
// }
// perIPConn wraps the net.Conn in the Conn field
if pic, ok := ctx.c.(*perIPConn); ok {
_, ok := pic.Conn.(connTLSer)
return ok
_, ok := ctx.c.(connTLSer)
return ok
// TLSConnectionState returns TLS connection state.
// The function returns nil if the underlying connection isn't tls.Conn.
// The returned state may be used for verifying TLS version, client certificates,
// etc.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) TLSConnectionState() *tls.ConnectionState {
tlsConn, ok := ctx.c.(connTLSer)
if !ok {
return nil
state := tlsConn.ConnectionState()
return &state
// Conn returns a reference to the underlying net.Conn.
// WARNING: Only use this method if you know what you are doing!
// Reading from or writing to the returned connection will end badly!
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Conn() net.Conn {
return ctx.c
func (ctx *RequestCtx) reset() {
ctx.connID = 0
ctx.connRequestNum = 0
ctx.connTime = zeroTime
ctx.remoteAddr = nil
ctx.time = zeroTime
ctx.c = nil
// Don't reset ctx.s!
// We have a pool per server so the next time this ctx is used it
// will be assigned the same value again.
// ctx might still be in use for context.Done() and context.Err()
// which are safe to use as they only use ctx.s and no other value.
if ctx.timeoutResponse != nil {
if ctx.timeoutTimer != nil {
ctx.hijackHandler = nil
ctx.hijackNoResponse = false
type firstByteReader struct {
c net.Conn
ch byte
byteRead bool
func (r *firstByteReader) reset() {
r.c = nil
r.ch = 0
r.byteRead = false
func (r *firstByteReader) Read(b []byte) (int, error) {
if len(b) == 0 {
return 0, nil
nn := 0
if !r.byteRead {
b[0] = r.ch
b = b[1:]
r.byteRead = true
nn = 1
n, err := r.c.Read(b)
return n + nn, err
// Logger is used for logging formatted messages.
type Logger interface {
// Printf must have the same semantics as log.Printf.
Printf(format string, args ...any)
var ctxLoggerLock sync.Mutex
type ctxLogger struct {
ctx *RequestCtx
logger Logger
func (cl *ctxLogger) Printf(format string, args ...any) {
msg := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
cl.logger.Printf("%.3f %s - %s", time.Since(cl.ctx.ConnTime()).Seconds(), cl.ctx.String(), msg)
var zeroTCPAddr = &net.TCPAddr{
IP: net.IPv4zero,
// String returns unique string representation of the ctx.
// The returned value may be useful for logging.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("#%016X - %s<->%s - %s %s", ctx.ID(), ctx.LocalAddr(), ctx.RemoteAddr(),
ctx.Request.Header.Method(), ctx.URI().FullURI())
// ID returns unique ID of the request.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) ID() uint64 {
return (ctx.connID << 32) | ctx.connRequestNum
// ConnID returns unique connection ID.
// This ID may be used to match distinct requests to the same incoming
// connection.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) ConnID() uint64 {
return ctx.connID
// Time returns RequestHandler call time.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Time() time.Time {
return ctx.time
// ConnTime returns the time the server started serving the connection
// the current request came from.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) ConnTime() time.Time {
return ctx.connTime
// ConnRequestNum returns request sequence number
// for the current connection.
// Sequence starts with 1.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) ConnRequestNum() uint64 {
return ctx.connRequestNum
// SetConnectionClose sets 'Connection: close' response header and closes
// connection after the RequestHandler returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) SetConnectionClose() {
// SetStatusCode sets response status code.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) SetStatusCode(statusCode int) {
// SetContentType sets response Content-Type.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) SetContentType(contentType string) {
// SetContentTypeBytes sets response Content-Type.
// It is safe modifying contentType buffer after function return.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) SetContentTypeBytes(contentType []byte) {
// RequestURI returns RequestURI.
// The returned bytes are valid until your request handler returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) RequestURI() []byte {
return ctx.Request.Header.RequestURI()
// URI returns requested uri.
// This uri is valid until your request handler returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) URI() *URI {
return ctx.Request.URI()
// Referer returns request referer.
// The returned bytes are valid until your request handler returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Referer() []byte {
return ctx.Request.Header.Referer()
// UserAgent returns User-Agent header value from the request.
// The returned bytes are valid until your request handler returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) UserAgent() []byte {
return ctx.Request.Header.UserAgent()
// Path returns requested path.
// The returned bytes are valid until your request handler returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Path() []byte {
return ctx.URI().Path()
// Host returns requested host.
// The returned bytes are valid until your request handler returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Host() []byte {
return ctx.URI().Host()
// QueryArgs returns query arguments from RequestURI.
// It doesn't return POST'ed arguments - use PostArgs() for this.
// See also PostArgs, FormValue and FormFile.
// These args are valid until your request handler returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) QueryArgs() *Args {
return ctx.URI().QueryArgs()
// PostArgs returns POST arguments.
// It doesn't return query arguments from RequestURI - use QueryArgs for this.
// See also QueryArgs, FormValue and FormFile.
// These args are valid until your request handler returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) PostArgs() *Args {
return ctx.Request.PostArgs()
// MultipartForm returns request's multipart form.
// Returns ErrNoMultipartForm if request's content-type
// isn't 'multipart/form-data'.
// All uploaded temporary files are automatically deleted after
// returning from RequestHandler. Either move or copy uploaded files
// into new place if you want retaining them.
// Use SaveMultipartFile function for permanently saving uploaded file.
// The returned form is valid until your request handler returns.
// See also FormFile and FormValue.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) MultipartForm() (*multipart.Form, error) {
return ctx.Request.MultipartForm()
// FormFile returns uploaded file associated with the given multipart form key.
// The file is automatically deleted after returning from RequestHandler,
// so either move or copy uploaded file into new place if you want retaining it.
// Use SaveMultipartFile function for permanently saving uploaded file.
// The returned file header is valid until your request handler returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) FormFile(key string) (*multipart.FileHeader, error) {
mf, err := ctx.MultipartForm()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if mf.File == nil {
return nil, err
fhh := mf.File[key]
if fhh == nil {
return nil, ErrMissingFile
return fhh[0], nil
// ErrMissingFile may be returned from FormFile when the is no uploaded file
// associated with the given multipart form key.
var ErrMissingFile = errors.New("there is no uploaded file associated with the given key")
// SaveMultipartFile saves multipart file fh under the given filename path.
func SaveMultipartFile(fh *multipart.FileHeader, path string) (err error) {
var (
f multipart.File
ff *os.File
f, err = fh.Open()
if err != nil {
var ok bool
if ff, ok = f.(*os.File); ok {
// Windows can't rename files that are opened.
if err = f.Close(); err != nil {
// If renaming fails we try the normal copying method.
// Renaming could fail if the files are on different devices.
if os.Rename(ff.Name(), path) == nil {
return nil
// Reopen f for the code below.
if f, err = fh.Open(); err != nil {
defer func() {
e := f.Close()
if err == nil {
err = e
if ff, err = os.Create(path); err != nil {
defer func() {
e := ff.Close()
if err == nil {
err = e
_, err = copyZeroAlloc(ff, f)
// FormValue returns form value associated with the given key.
// The value is searched in the following places:
// - Query string.
// - POST or PUT body.
// There are more fine-grained methods for obtaining form values:
// - QueryArgs for obtaining values from query string.
// - PostArgs for obtaining values from POST or PUT body.
// - MultipartForm for obtaining values from multipart form.
// - FormFile for obtaining uploaded files.
// The returned value is valid until your request handler returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) FormValue(key string) []byte {
if ctx.formValueFunc != nil {
return ctx.formValueFunc(ctx, key)
return defaultFormValue(ctx, key)
type FormValueFunc func(*RequestCtx, string) []byte
var (
defaultFormValue = func(ctx *RequestCtx, key string) []byte {
v := ctx.QueryArgs().Peek(key)
if len(v) > 0 {
return v
v = ctx.PostArgs().Peek(key)
if len(v) > 0 {
return v
mf, err := ctx.MultipartForm()
if err == nil && mf.Value != nil {
vv := mf.Value[key]
if len(vv) > 0 {
return []byte(vv[0])
return nil
// NetHttpFormValueFunc gives consistent behavior with net/http.
// POST and PUT body parameters take precedence over URL query string values.
//nolint:stylecheck // backwards compatibility
NetHttpFormValueFunc = func(ctx *RequestCtx, key string) []byte {
v := ctx.PostArgs().Peek(key)
if len(v) > 0 {
return v
mf, err := ctx.MultipartForm()
if err == nil && mf.Value != nil {
vv := mf.Value[key]
if len(vv) > 0 {
return []byte(vv[0])
v = ctx.QueryArgs().Peek(key)
if len(v) > 0 {
return v
return nil
// IsGet returns true if request method is GET.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) IsGet() bool {
return ctx.Request.Header.IsGet()
// IsPost returns true if request method is POST.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) IsPost() bool {
return ctx.Request.Header.IsPost()
// IsPut returns true if request method is PUT.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) IsPut() bool {
return ctx.Request.Header.IsPut()
// IsDelete returns true if request method is DELETE.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) IsDelete() bool {
return ctx.Request.Header.IsDelete()
// IsConnect returns true if request method is CONNECT.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) IsConnect() bool {
return ctx.Request.Header.IsConnect()
// IsOptions returns true if request method is OPTIONS.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) IsOptions() bool {
return ctx.Request.Header.IsOptions()
// IsTrace returns true if request method is TRACE.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) IsTrace() bool {
return ctx.Request.Header.IsTrace()
// IsPatch returns true if request method is PATCH.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) IsPatch() bool {
return ctx.Request.Header.IsPatch()
// Method return request method.
// Returned value is valid until your request handler returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Method() []byte {
return ctx.Request.Header.Method()
// IsHead returns true if request method is HEAD.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) IsHead() bool {
return ctx.Request.Header.IsHead()
// RemoteAddr returns client address for the given request.
// Always returns non-nil result.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
if ctx.remoteAddr != nil {
return ctx.remoteAddr
if ctx.c == nil {
return zeroTCPAddr
addr := ctx.c.RemoteAddr()
if addr == nil {
return zeroTCPAddr
return addr
// SetRemoteAddr sets remote address to the given value.
// Set nil value to restore default behaviour for using
// connection remote address.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) SetRemoteAddr(remoteAddr net.Addr) {
ctx.remoteAddr = remoteAddr
// LocalAddr returns server address for the given request.
// Always returns non-nil result.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
if ctx.c == nil {
return zeroTCPAddr
addr := ctx.c.LocalAddr()
if addr == nil {
return zeroTCPAddr
return addr
// RemoteIP returns the client ip the request came from.
// Always returns non-nil result.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) RemoteIP() net.IP {
return addrToIP(ctx.RemoteAddr())
// LocalIP returns the server ip the request came to.
// Always returns non-nil result.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) LocalIP() net.IP {
return addrToIP(ctx.LocalAddr())
func addrToIP(addr net.Addr) net.IP {
x, ok := addr.(*net.TCPAddr)
if !ok {
return net.IPv4zero
return x.IP
// Error sets response status code to the given value and sets response body
// to the given message.
// Warning: this will reset the response headers and body already set!
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Error(msg string, statusCode int) {
// Success sets response Content-Type and body to the given values.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Success(contentType string, body []byte) {
// SuccessString sets response Content-Type and body to the given values.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) SuccessString(contentType, body string) {
// Redirect sets 'Location: uri' response header and sets the given statusCode.
// statusCode must have one of the following values:
// - StatusMovedPermanently (301)
// - StatusFound (302)
// - StatusSeeOther (303)
// - StatusTemporaryRedirect (307)
// - StatusPermanentRedirect (308)
// All other statusCode values are replaced by StatusFound (302).
// The redirect uri may be either absolute or relative to the current
// request uri. Fasthttp will always send an absolute uri back to the client.
// To send a relative uri you can use the following code:
// strLocation = []byte("Location") // Put this with your top level var () declarations.
// ctx.Response.Header.SetCanonical(strLocation, "/relative?uri")
// ctx.Response.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusMovedPermanently)
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Redirect(uri string, statusCode int) {
u := AcquireURI()
ctx.redirect(u.FullURI(), statusCode)
// RedirectBytes sets 'Location: uri' response header and sets
// the given statusCode.
// statusCode must have one of the following values:
// - StatusMovedPermanently (301)
// - StatusFound (302)
// - StatusSeeOther (303)
// - StatusTemporaryRedirect (307)
// - StatusPermanentRedirect (308)
// All other statusCode values are replaced by StatusFound (302).
// The redirect uri may be either absolute or relative to the current
// request uri. Fasthttp will always send an absolute uri back to the client.
// To send a relative uri you can use the following code:
// strLocation = []byte("Location") // Put this with your top level var () declarations.
// ctx.Response.Header.SetCanonical(strLocation, "/relative?uri")
// ctx.Response.SetStatusCode(fasthttp.StatusMovedPermanently)
func (ctx *RequestCtx) RedirectBytes(uri []byte, statusCode int) {
s := b2s(uri)
ctx.Redirect(s, statusCode)
func (ctx *RequestCtx) redirect(uri []byte, statusCode int) {
ctx.Response.Header.setNonSpecial(strLocation, uri)
statusCode = getRedirectStatusCode(statusCode)
func getRedirectStatusCode(statusCode int) int {
if statusCode == StatusMovedPermanently || statusCode == StatusFound ||
statusCode == StatusSeeOther || statusCode == StatusTemporaryRedirect ||
statusCode == StatusPermanentRedirect {
return statusCode
return StatusFound
// SetBody sets response body to the given value.
// It is safe re-using body argument after the function returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) SetBody(body []byte) {
// SetBodyString sets response body to the given value.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) SetBodyString(body string) {
// ResetBody resets response body contents.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) ResetBody() {
// SendFile sends local file contents from the given path as response body.
// This is a shortcut to ServeFile(ctx, path).
// SendFile logs all the errors via ctx.Logger.
// See also ServeFile, FSHandler and FS.
// WARNING: do not pass any user supplied paths to this function!
// WARNING: if path is based on user input users will be able to request
// any file on your filesystem! Use fasthttp.FS with a sane Root instead.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) SendFile(path string) {
ServeFile(ctx, path)
// SendFileBytes sends local file contents from the given path as response body.
// This is a shortcut to ServeFileBytes(ctx, path).
// SendFileBytes logs all the errors via ctx.Logger.
// See also ServeFileBytes, FSHandler and FS.
// WARNING: do not pass any user supplied paths to this function!
// WARNING: if path is based on user input users will be able to request
// any file on your filesystem! Use fasthttp.FS with a sane Root instead.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) SendFileBytes(path []byte) {
ServeFileBytes(ctx, path)
// IfModifiedSince returns true if lastModified exceeds 'If-Modified-Since'
// value from the request header.
// The function returns true also 'If-Modified-Since' request header is missing.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) IfModifiedSince(lastModified time.Time) bool {
ifModStr := ctx.Request.Header.peek(strIfModifiedSince)
if len(ifModStr) == 0 {
return true
ifMod, err := ParseHTTPDate(ifModStr)
if err != nil {
return true
lastModified = lastModified.Truncate(time.Second)
return ifMod.Before(lastModified)
// NotModified resets response and sets '304 Not Modified' response status code.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) NotModified() {
// NotFound resets response and sets '404 Not Found' response status code.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) NotFound() {
ctx.SetBodyString("404 Page not found")
// Write writes p into response body.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
return len(p), nil
// WriteString appends s to response body.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) WriteString(s string) (int, error) {
return len(s), nil
// PostBody returns POST request body.
// The returned bytes are valid until your request handler returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) PostBody() []byte {
return ctx.Request.Body()
// SetBodyStream sets response body stream and, optionally body size.
// bodyStream.Close() is called after finishing reading all body data
// if it implements io.Closer.
// If bodySize is >= 0, then bodySize bytes must be provided by bodyStream
// before returning io.EOF.
// If bodySize < 0, then bodyStream is read until io.EOF.
// See also SetBodyStreamWriter.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) SetBodyStream(bodyStream io.Reader, bodySize int) {
ctx.Response.SetBodyStream(bodyStream, bodySize)
// SetBodyStreamWriter registers the given stream writer for populating
// response body.
// Access to RequestCtx and/or its members is forbidden from sw.
// This function may be used in the following cases:
// - if response body is too big (more than 10MB).
// - if response body is streamed from slow external sources.
// - if response body must be streamed to the client in chunks.
// (aka `http server push`).
func (ctx *RequestCtx) SetBodyStreamWriter(sw StreamWriter) {
// IsBodyStream returns true if response body is set via SetBodyStream*.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) IsBodyStream() bool {
return ctx.Response.IsBodyStream()
// Logger returns logger, which may be used for logging arbitrary
// request-specific messages inside RequestHandler.
// Each message logged via returned logger contains request-specific information
// such as request id, request duration, local address, remote address,
// request method and request url.
// It is safe re-using returned logger for logging multiple messages
// for the current request.
// The returned logger is valid until your request handler returns.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Logger() Logger {
if ctx.logger.ctx == nil {
ctx.logger.ctx = ctx
if ctx.logger.logger == nil {
ctx.logger.logger = ctx.s.logger()
return &ctx.logger
// TimeoutError sets response status code to StatusRequestTimeout and sets
// body to the given msg.
// All response modifications after TimeoutError call are ignored.
// TimeoutError MUST be called before returning from RequestHandler if there are
// references to ctx and/or its members in other goroutines remain.
// Usage of this function is discouraged. Prefer eliminating ctx references
// from pending goroutines instead of using this function.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) TimeoutError(msg string) {
ctx.TimeoutErrorWithCode(msg, StatusRequestTimeout)
// TimeoutErrorWithCode sets response body to msg and response status
// code to statusCode.
// All response modifications after TimeoutErrorWithCode call are ignored.
// TimeoutErrorWithCode MUST be called before returning from RequestHandler
// if there are references to ctx and/or its members in other goroutines remain.
// Usage of this function is discouraged. Prefer eliminating ctx references
// from pending goroutines instead of using this function.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) TimeoutErrorWithCode(msg string, statusCode int) {
var resp Response
// TimeoutErrorWithResponse marks the ctx as timed out and sends the given
// response to the client.
// All ctx modifications after TimeoutErrorWithResponse call are ignored.
// TimeoutErrorWithResponse MUST be called before returning from RequestHandler
// if there are references to ctx and/or its members in other goroutines remain.
// Usage of this function is discouraged. Prefer eliminating ctx references
// from pending goroutines instead of using this function.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) TimeoutErrorWithResponse(resp *Response) {
respCopy := &Response{}
ctx.timeoutResponse = respCopy
// NextProto adds nph to be processed when key is negotiated when TLS
// connection is established.
// This function can only be called before the server is started.
func (s *Server) NextProto(key string, nph ServeHandler) {
if s.nextProtos == nil {
s.nextProtos = make(map[string]ServeHandler)
s.TLSConfig.NextProtos = append(s.TLSConfig.NextProtos, key)
s.nextProtos[key] = nph
func (s *Server) getNextProto(c net.Conn) (proto string, err error) {
if tlsConn, ok := c.(connTLSer); ok {
if s.ReadTimeout > 0 {
if err = c.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(s.ReadTimeout)); err != nil {
if s.WriteTimeout > 0 {
if err = c.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(s.WriteTimeout)); err != nil {
err = tlsConn.Handshake()
if err == nil {
proto = tlsConn.ConnectionState().NegotiatedProtocol
// ListenAndServe serves HTTP requests from the given TCP4 addr.
// Pass custom listener to Serve if you need listening on non-TCP4 media
// such as IPv6.
// Accepted connections are configured to enable TCP keep-alives.
func (s *Server) ListenAndServe(addr string) error {
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp4", addr)
if err != nil {
return err
return s.Serve(ln)
// ListenAndServeUNIX serves HTTP requests from the given UNIX addr.
// The function deletes existing file at addr before starting serving.
// The server sets the given file mode for the UNIX addr.
func (s *Server) ListenAndServeUNIX(addr string, mode os.FileMode) error {
if err := os.Remove(addr); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected error when trying to remove unix socket file %q: %w", addr, err)
ln, err := net.Listen("unix", addr)
if err != nil {
return err
if err = os.Chmod(addr, mode); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot chmod %#o for %q: %w", mode, addr, err)
return s.Serve(ln)
// ListenAndServeTLS serves HTTPS requests from the given TCP4 addr.
// certFile and keyFile are paths to TLS certificate and key files.
// Pass custom listener to Serve if you need listening on non-TCP4 media
// such as IPv6.
// If the certFile or keyFile has not been provided to the server structure,
// the function will use the previously added TLS configuration.
// Accepted connections are configured to enable TCP keep-alives.
func (s *Server) ListenAndServeTLS(addr, certFile, keyFile string) error {
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp4", addr)
if err != nil {
return err
return s.ServeTLS(ln, certFile, keyFile)
// ListenAndServeTLSEmbed serves HTTPS requests from the given TCP4 addr.
// certData and keyData must contain valid TLS certificate and key data.
// Pass custom listener to Serve if you need listening on arbitrary media
// such as IPv6.
// If the certFile or keyFile has not been provided the server structure,
// the function will use previously added TLS configuration.
// Accepted connections are configured to enable TCP keep-alives.
func (s *Server) ListenAndServeTLSEmbed(addr string, certData, keyData []byte) error {
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp4", addr)
if err != nil {
return err
return s.ServeTLSEmbed(ln, certData, keyData)
// ServeTLS serves HTTPS requests from the given listener.
// certFile and keyFile are paths to TLS certificate and key files.
// If the certFile or keyFile has not been provided the server structure,
// the function will use previously added TLS configuration.
func (s *Server) ServeTLS(ln net.Listener, certFile, keyFile string) error {
configHasCert := len(s.TLSConfig.Certificates) > 0 || s.TLSConfig.GetCertificate != nil
if !configHasCert || certFile != "" || keyFile != "" {
if err := s.AppendCert(certFile, keyFile); err != nil {
return err
// BuildNameToCertificate has been deprecated since 1.14.
// But since we also support older versions we'll keep this here.
s.TLSConfig.BuildNameToCertificate() //nolint:staticcheck
return s.Serve(
tls.NewListener(ln, s.TLSConfig.Clone()),
// ServeTLSEmbed serves HTTPS requests from the given listener.
// certData and keyData must contain valid TLS certificate and key data.
// If the certFile or keyFile has not been provided the server structure,
// the function will use previously added TLS configuration.
func (s *Server) ServeTLSEmbed(ln net.Listener, certData, keyData []byte) error {
configHasCert := len(s.TLSConfig.Certificates) > 0 || s.TLSConfig.GetCertificate != nil
if !configHasCert || len(certData) != 0 || len(keyData) != 0 {
if err := s.AppendCertEmbed(certData, keyData); err != nil {
return err
// BuildNameToCertificate has been deprecated since 1.14.
// But since we also support older versions we'll keep this here.
s.TLSConfig.BuildNameToCertificate() //nolint:staticcheck
return s.Serve(
tls.NewListener(ln, s.TLSConfig.Clone()),
// AppendCert appends certificate and keyfile to TLS Configuration.
// This function allows programmer to handle multiple domains
// in one server structure. See examples/multidomain.
func (s *Server) AppendCert(certFile, keyFile string) error {
if certFile == "" && keyFile == "" {
return errNoCertOrKeyProvided
cert, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(certFile, keyFile)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot load TLS key pair from certFile=%q and keyFile=%q: %w", certFile, keyFile, err)
s.TLSConfig.Certificates = append(s.TLSConfig.Certificates, cert)
return nil
// AppendCertEmbed does the same as AppendCert but using in-memory data.
func (s *Server) AppendCertEmbed(certData, keyData []byte) error {
if len(certData) == 0 && len(keyData) == 0 {
return errNoCertOrKeyProvided
cert, err := tls.X509KeyPair(certData, keyData)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot load TLS key pair from the provided certData(%d) and keyData(%d): %w",
len(certData), len(keyData), err)
s.TLSConfig.Certificates = append(s.TLSConfig.Certificates, cert)
return nil
func (s *Server) configTLS() {
if s.TLSConfig == nil {
s.TLSConfig = &tls.Config{}
// DefaultConcurrency is the maximum number of concurrent connections
// the Server may serve by default (i.e. if Server.Concurrency isn't set).
const DefaultConcurrency = 256 * 1024
// Serve serves incoming connections from the given listener.
// Serve blocks until the given listener returns permanent error.
func (s *Server) Serve(ln net.Listener) error {
var lastOverflowErrorTime time.Time
var lastPerIPErrorTime time.Time
maxWorkersCount := s.getConcurrency()
s.ln = append(s.ln, ln)
if s.done == nil {
s.done = make(chan struct{})
if s.concurrencyCh == nil {
s.concurrencyCh = make(chan struct{}, maxWorkersCount)
wp := &workerPool{
WorkerFunc: s.serveConn,
MaxWorkersCount: maxWorkersCount,
LogAllErrors: s.LogAllErrors,
MaxIdleWorkerDuration: s.MaxIdleWorkerDuration,
Logger: s.logger(),
connState: s.setState,
// Count our waiting to accept a connection as an open connection.
// This way we can't get into any weird state where just after accepting
// a connection Shutdown is called which reads open as 0 because it isn't
// incremented yet.
atomic.AddInt32(&s.open, 1)
defer atomic.AddInt32(&s.open, -1)
for {
c, err := acceptConn(s, ln, &lastPerIPErrorTime)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
return err
s.setState(c, StateNew)
atomic.AddInt32(&s.open, 1)
if !wp.Serve(c) {
atomic.AddInt32(&s.open, -1)
atomic.AddUint32(&s.rejectedRequestsCount, 1)
s.writeFastError(c, StatusServiceUnavailable,
"The connection cannot be served because Server.Concurrency limit exceeded")
s.setState(c, StateClosed)
if time.Since(lastOverflowErrorTime) > time.Minute {
s.logger().Printf("The incoming connection cannot be served, because %d concurrent connections are served. "+
"Try increasing Server.Concurrency", maxWorkersCount)
lastOverflowErrorTime = time.Now()
// The current server reached concurrency limit,
// so give other concurrently running servers a chance
// accepting incoming connections on the same address.
// There is a hope other servers didn't reach their
// concurrency limits yet :)
// See also: https://github.com/valyala/fasthttp/pull/485#discussion_r239994990
if s.SleepWhenConcurrencyLimitsExceeded > 0 {
// Shutdown gracefully shuts down the server without interrupting any active connections.
// Shutdown works by first closing all open listeners and then waiting indefinitely for all connections
// to return to idle and then shut down.
// When Shutdown is called, Serve, ListenAndServe, and ListenAndServeTLS immediately return nil.
// Make sure the program doesn't exit and waits instead for Shutdown to return.
// Shutdown does not close keepalive connections so it's recommended to set ReadTimeout and IdleTimeout to something else than 0.
func (s *Server) Shutdown() error {
return s.ShutdownWithContext(context.Background())
// ShutdownWithContext gracefully shuts down the server without interrupting any active connections.
// ShutdownWithContext works by first closing all open listeners and then waiting for all connections to return to idle
// or context timeout and then shut down.
// When ShutdownWithContext is called, Serve, ListenAndServe, and ListenAndServeTLS immediately return nil.
// Make sure the program doesn't exit and waits instead for Shutdown to return.
// ShutdownWithContext does not close keepalive connections so it's recommended to set ReadTimeout and IdleTimeout
// to something else than 0.
func (s *Server) ShutdownWithContext(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer s.mu.Unlock()
atomic.StoreInt32(&s.stop, 1)
defer atomic.StoreInt32(&s.stop, 0)
if s.ln == nil {
return nil
for _, ln := range s.ln {
if err = ln.Close(); err != nil {
return err
if s.done != nil {
// Closing the listener will make Serve() call Stop on the worker pool.
// Setting .stop to 1 will make serveConn() break out of its loop.
// Now we just have to wait until all workers are done or timeout.
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 100)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
if open := atomic.LoadInt32(&s.open); open == 0 {
// This is not an optimal solution but using a sync.WaitGroup
// here causes data races as it's hard to prevent Add() to be called
// while Wait() is waiting.
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
err = ctx.Err()
break END
case <-ticker.C:
s.done = nil
s.ln = nil
return err
func acceptConn(s *Server, ln net.Listener, lastPerIPErrorTime *time.Time) (net.Conn, error) {
for {
c, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
if netErr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && netErr.Timeout() {
s.logger().Printf("Timeout error when accepting new connections: %v", netErr)
if err != io.EOF && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "use of closed network connection") {
s.logger().Printf("Permanent error when accepting new connections: %v", err)
return nil, err
return nil, io.EOF
if tc, ok := c.(*net.TCPConn); ok && s.TCPKeepalive {
if err := tc.SetKeepAlive(s.TCPKeepalive); err != nil {
_ = tc.Close()
return nil, err
if s.TCPKeepalivePeriod > 0 {
if err := tc.SetKeepAlivePeriod(s.TCPKeepalivePeriod); err != nil {
_ = tc.Close()
return nil, err
if s.MaxConnsPerIP > 0 {
pic := wrapPerIPConn(s, c)
if pic == nil {
if time.Since(*lastPerIPErrorTime) > time.Minute {
s.logger().Printf("The number of connections from %s exceeds MaxConnsPerIP=%d",
getConnIP4(c), s.MaxConnsPerIP)
*lastPerIPErrorTime = time.Now()
c = pic
return c, nil
func wrapPerIPConn(s *Server, c net.Conn) net.Conn {
ip := getUint32IP(c)
if ip == 0 {
return c
n := s.perIPConnCounter.Register(ip)
if n > s.MaxConnsPerIP {
s.writeFastError(c, StatusTooManyRequests, "The number of connections from your ip exceeds MaxConnsPerIP")
return nil
return acquirePerIPConn(c, ip, &s.perIPConnCounter)
var defaultLogger = Logger(log.New(os.Stderr, "", log.LstdFlags))
func (s *Server) logger() Logger {
if s.Logger != nil {
return s.Logger
return defaultLogger
var (
// ErrPerIPConnLimit may be returned from ServeConn if the number of connections
// per ip exceeds Server.MaxConnsPerIP.
ErrPerIPConnLimit = errors.New("too many connections per ip")
// ErrConcurrencyLimit may be returned from ServeConn if the number
// of concurrently served connections exceeds Server.Concurrency.
ErrConcurrencyLimit = errors.New("cannot serve the connection because Server.Concurrency concurrent connections are served")
// ServeConn serves HTTP requests from the given connection.
// ServeConn returns nil if all requests from the c are successfully served.
// It returns non-nil error otherwise.
// Connection c must immediately propagate all the data passed to Write()
// to the client. Otherwise requests' processing may hang.
// ServeConn closes c before returning.
func (s *Server) ServeConn(c net.Conn) error {
if s.MaxConnsPerIP > 0 {
pic := wrapPerIPConn(s, c)
if pic == nil {
return ErrPerIPConnLimit
c = pic
n := int(atomic.AddUint32(&s.concurrency, 1)) // #nosec G115
if n > s.getConcurrency() {
atomic.AddUint32(&s.concurrency, ^uint32(0))
s.writeFastError(c, StatusServiceUnavailable, "The connection cannot be served because Server.Concurrency limit exceeded")
return ErrConcurrencyLimit
atomic.AddInt32(&s.open, 1)
err := s.serveConn(c)
atomic.AddUint32(&s.concurrency, ^uint32(0))
if err != errHijacked {
errc := c.Close()
s.setState(c, StateClosed)
if err == nil {
err = errc
} else {
err = nil
s.setState(c, StateHijacked)
return err
var errHijacked = errors.New("connection has been hijacked")
// GetCurrentConcurrency returns a number of currently served
// connections.
// This function is intended be used by monitoring systems.
func (s *Server) GetCurrentConcurrency() uint32 {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&s.concurrency)
// GetOpenConnectionsCount returns a number of opened connections.
// This function is intended be used by monitoring systems.
func (s *Server) GetOpenConnectionsCount() int32 {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.stop) == 0 {
// Decrement by one to avoid reporting the extra open value that gets
// counted while the server is listening.
return atomic.LoadInt32(&s.open) - 1
// This is not perfect, because s.stop could have changed to zero
// before we load the value of s.open. However, in the common case
// this avoids underreporting open connections by 1 during server shutdown.
return atomic.LoadInt32(&s.open)
// GetRejectedConnectionsCount returns a number of rejected connections.
// This function is intended be used by monitoring systems.
func (s *Server) GetRejectedConnectionsCount() uint32 {
return atomic.LoadUint32(&s.rejectedRequestsCount)
func (s *Server) getConcurrency() int {
n := s.Concurrency
if n <= 0 {
n = DefaultConcurrency
return n
var globalConnID uint64
func nextConnID() uint64 {
return atomic.AddUint64(&globalConnID, 1)
// DefaultMaxRequestBodySize is the maximum request body size the server
// reads by default.
// See Server.MaxRequestBodySize for details.
const DefaultMaxRequestBodySize = 4 * 1024 * 1024
func (s *Server) idleTimeout() time.Duration {
if s.IdleTimeout != 0 {
return s.IdleTimeout
return s.ReadTimeout
func (s *Server) serveConnCleanup() {
atomic.AddInt32(&s.open, -1)
atomic.AddUint32(&s.concurrency, ^uint32(0))
func (s *Server) serveConn(c net.Conn) (err error) {
defer s.serveConnCleanup()
atomic.AddUint32(&s.concurrency, 1)
var proto string
if proto, err = s.getNextProto(c); err != nil {
if handler, ok := s.nextProtos[proto]; ok {
// Remove read or write deadlines that might have previously been set.
// The next handler is responsible for setting its own deadlines.
if s.ReadTimeout > 0 || s.WriteTimeout > 0 {
if err = c.SetDeadline(zeroTime); err != nil {
return handler(c)
serverName := s.getServerName()
connRequestNum := uint64(0)
connID := nextConnID()
connTime := time.Now()
maxRequestBodySize := s.MaxRequestBodySize
if maxRequestBodySize <= 0 {
maxRequestBodySize = DefaultMaxRequestBodySize
writeTimeout := s.WriteTimeout
previousWriteTimeout := time.Duration(0)
ctx := s.acquireCtx(c)
ctx.connTime = connTime
isTLS := ctx.IsTLS()
var (
br *bufio.Reader
bw *bufio.Writer
timeoutResponse *Response
hijackHandler HijackHandler
hijackNoResponse bool
connectionClose bool
continueReadingRequest = true
for {
// If this is a keep-alive connection set the idle timeout.
if connRequestNum > 1 {
if d := s.idleTimeout(); d > 0 {
if err = c.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(d)); err != nil {
if !s.ReduceMemoryUsage || br != nil {
if br == nil {
br = acquireReader(ctx)
// If this is a keep-alive connection we want to try and read the first bytes
// within the idle time.
if connRequestNum > 1 {
var b []byte
b, err = br.Peek(1)
if len(b) == 0 {
// If reading from a keep-alive connection returns nothing it means
// the connection was closed (either timeout or from the other side).
if err != io.EOF {
err = ErrNothingRead{error: err}
} else {
// If this is a keep-alive connection acquireByteReader will try to peek
// a couple of bytes already so the idle timeout will already be used.
br, err = acquireByteReader(&ctx)
ctx.Request.isTLS = isTLS
ctx.Response.Header.noDefaultContentType = s.NoDefaultContentType
ctx.Response.Header.noDefaultDate = s.NoDefaultDate
// Secure header error logs configuration
ctx.Request.Header.secureErrorLogMessage = s.SecureErrorLogMessage
ctx.Response.Header.secureErrorLogMessage = s.SecureErrorLogMessage
ctx.Request.secureErrorLogMessage = s.SecureErrorLogMessage
ctx.Response.secureErrorLogMessage = s.SecureErrorLogMessage
if err == nil {
s.setState(c, StateActive)
if s.ReadTimeout > 0 {
if err = c.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(s.ReadTimeout)); err != nil {
} else if s.IdleTimeout > 0 && connRequestNum > 1 {
// If this was an idle connection and the server has an IdleTimeout but
// no ReadTimeout then we should remove the ReadTimeout.
if err = c.SetReadDeadline(zeroTime); err != nil {
if s.DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing {
// Reading Headers.
// If we have pipeline response in the outgoing buffer,
// we only want to try and read the next headers once.
// If we have to wait for the next request we flush the
// outgoing buffer first so it doesn't have to wait.
if bw != nil && bw.Buffered() > 0 {
err = ctx.Request.Header.readLoop(br, false)
if err == errNeedMore {
err = bw.Flush()
if err != nil {
err = ctx.Request.Header.Read(br)
} else {
err = ctx.Request.Header.Read(br)
if err == nil {
if onHdrRecv := s.HeaderReceived; onHdrRecv != nil {
reqConf := onHdrRecv(&ctx.Request.Header)
if reqConf.ReadTimeout > 0 {
deadline := time.Now().Add(reqConf.ReadTimeout)
if err = c.SetReadDeadline(deadline); err != nil {
switch {
case reqConf.MaxRequestBodySize > 0:
maxRequestBodySize = reqConf.MaxRequestBodySize
case s.MaxRequestBodySize > 0:
maxRequestBodySize = s.MaxRequestBodySize
maxRequestBodySize = DefaultMaxRequestBodySize
if reqConf.WriteTimeout > 0 {
writeTimeout = reqConf.WriteTimeout
} else {
writeTimeout = s.WriteTimeout
// read body
if s.StreamRequestBody {
err = ctx.Request.readBodyStream(br, maxRequestBodySize, s.GetOnly, !s.DisablePreParseMultipartForm)
} else {
err = ctx.Request.readLimitBody(br, maxRequestBodySize, s.GetOnly, !s.DisablePreParseMultipartForm)
// When StreamRequestBody is set to true, we cannot safely release br.
// For example, when using chunked encoding, it's possible that br has only read the request headers.
if (!s.StreamRequestBody && s.ReduceMemoryUsage && br.Buffered() == 0) || err != nil {
releaseReader(s, br)
br = nil
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
} else if nr, ok := err.(ErrNothingRead); ok {
if connRequestNum > 1 {
// This is not the first request and we haven't read a single byte
// of a new request yet. This means it's just a keep-alive connection
// closing down either because the remote closed it or because
// or a read timeout on our side. Either way just close the connection
// and don't return any error response.
err = nil
} else {
err = nr.error
if err != nil {
bw = s.writeErrorResponse(bw, ctx, serverName, err)
// 'Expect: 100-continue' request handling.
// See https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec8.html#sec8.2.3 for details.
if ctx.Request.MayContinue() {
// Allow the ability to deny reading the incoming request body
if s.ContinueHandler != nil {
if continueReadingRequest = s.ContinueHandler(&ctx.Request.Header); !continueReadingRequest {
if br != nil {
if continueReadingRequest {
if bw == nil {
bw = acquireWriter(ctx)
// Send 'HTTP/1.1 100 Continue' response.
_, err = bw.Write(strResponseContinue)
if err != nil {
err = bw.Flush()
if err != nil {
if s.ReduceMemoryUsage {
releaseWriter(s, bw)
bw = nil
// Read request body.
if br == nil {
br = acquireReader(ctx)
if s.StreamRequestBody {
err = ctx.Request.ContinueReadBodyStream(br, maxRequestBodySize, !s.DisablePreParseMultipartForm)
} else {
err = ctx.Request.ContinueReadBody(br, maxRequestBodySize, !s.DisablePreParseMultipartForm)
if (!s.StreamRequestBody && s.ReduceMemoryUsage && br.Buffered() == 0) || err != nil {
releaseReader(s, br)
br = nil
if err != nil {
bw = s.writeErrorResponse(bw, ctx, serverName, err)
// store req.ConnectionClose so even if it was changed inside of handler
connectionClose = s.DisableKeepalive || ctx.Request.Header.ConnectionClose()
if serverName != "" {
ctx.connID = connID
ctx.connRequestNum = connRequestNum
ctx.time = time.Now()
// If a client denies a request the handler should not be called
if continueReadingRequest {
timeoutResponse = ctx.timeoutResponse
if timeoutResponse != nil {
// Acquire a new ctx because the old one will still be in use by the timeout out handler.
ctx = s.acquireCtx(c)
if ctx.IsHead() {
ctx.Response.SkipBody = true
hijackHandler = ctx.hijackHandler
ctx.hijackHandler = nil
hijackNoResponse = ctx.hijackNoResponse && hijackHandler != nil
ctx.hijackNoResponse = false
if writeTimeout > 0 {
if err = c.SetWriteDeadline(time.Now().Add(writeTimeout)); err != nil {
previousWriteTimeout = writeTimeout
} else if previousWriteTimeout > 0 {
// We don't want a write timeout but we previously set one, remove it.
if err = c.SetWriteDeadline(zeroTime); err != nil {
previousWriteTimeout = 0
connectionClose = connectionClose ||
(s.MaxRequestsPerConn > 0 && connRequestNum >= uint64(s.MaxRequestsPerConn)) || // #nosec G115
ctx.Response.Header.ConnectionClose() ||
(s.CloseOnShutdown && atomic.LoadInt32(&s.stop) == 1)
if connectionClose {
} else if !ctx.Request.Header.IsHTTP11() {
// Set 'Connection: keep-alive' response header for HTTP/1.0 request.
// There is no need in setting this header for http/1.1, since in http/1.1
// connections are keep-alive by default.
ctx.Response.Header.setNonSpecial(strConnection, strKeepAlive)
if serverName != "" && len(ctx.Response.Header.Server()) == 0 {
if !hijackNoResponse {
if bw == nil {
bw = acquireWriter(ctx)
if err = writeResponse(ctx, bw); err != nil {
// Only flush the writer if we don't have another request in the pipeline.
// This is a big of an ugly optimization for https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/
// This benchmark will send 16 pipelined requests. It is faster to pack as many responses
// in a TCP packet and send it back at once than waiting for a flush every request.
// In real world circumstances this behaviour could be argued as being wrong.
if br == nil || br.Buffered() == 0 || connectionClose || (s.ReduceMemoryUsage && hijackHandler == nil) {
err = bw.Flush()
if err != nil {
if connectionClose {
if s.ReduceMemoryUsage && hijackHandler == nil {
releaseWriter(s, bw)
bw = nil
if hijackHandler != nil {
var hjr io.Reader = c
if br != nil {
hjr = br
br = nil
if bw != nil {
err = bw.Flush()
if err != nil {
releaseWriter(s, bw)
bw = nil
err = c.SetDeadline(zeroTime)
if err != nil {
go hijackConnHandler(ctx, hjr, c, s, hijackHandler)
err = errHijacked
if ctx.Request.bodyStream != nil {
if rs, ok := ctx.Request.bodyStream.(*requestStream); ok {
ctx.Request.bodyStream = nil
s.setState(c, StateIdle)
if atomic.LoadInt32(&s.stop) == 1 {
err = nil
if br != nil {
releaseReader(s, br)
if bw != nil {
releaseWriter(s, bw)
if hijackHandler == nil {
func (s *Server) setState(nc net.Conn, state ConnState) {
s.trackConn(nc, state)
if hook := s.ConnState; hook != nil {
hook(nc, state)
func hijackConnHandler(ctx *RequestCtx, r io.Reader, c net.Conn, s *Server, h HijackHandler) {
hjc := s.acquireHijackConn(r, c)
if br, ok := r.(*bufio.Reader); ok {
releaseReader(s, br)
if !s.KeepHijackedConns {
func (s *Server) acquireHijackConn(r io.Reader, c net.Conn) *hijackConn {
v := s.hijackConnPool.Get()
if v == nil {
hjc := &hijackConn{
Conn: c,
r: r,
s: s,
return hjc
hjc := v.(*hijackConn)
hjc.Conn = c
hjc.r = r
return hjc
func (s *Server) releaseHijackConn(hjc *hijackConn) {
hjc.Conn = nil
hjc.r = nil
type hijackConn struct {
r io.Reader
s *Server
func (c *hijackConn) UnsafeConn() net.Conn {
return c.Conn
func (c *hijackConn) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
return c.r.Read(p)
func (c *hijackConn) Close() error {
if !c.s.KeepHijackedConns {
// when we do not keep hijacked connections,
// it is closed in hijackConnHandler.
return nil
return c.Conn.Close()
// LastTimeoutErrorResponse returns the last timeout response set
// via TimeoutError* call.
// This function is intended for custom server implementations.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) LastTimeoutErrorResponse() *Response {
return ctx.timeoutResponse
func writeResponse(ctx *RequestCtx, w *bufio.Writer) error {
if ctx.timeoutResponse != nil {
return errors.New("cannot write timed out response")
err := ctx.Response.Write(w)
return err
const (
defaultReadBufferSize = 4096
defaultWriteBufferSize = 4096
func acquireByteReader(ctxP **RequestCtx) (*bufio.Reader, error) {
ctx := *ctxP
s := ctx.s
c := ctx.c
//nolint:wastedassign // Make GC happy, so it could garbage collect ctx while we wait for the
// next request.
ctx = nil
*ctxP = nil
var b [1]byte
n, err := c.Read(b[:])
ctx = s.acquireCtx(c)
*ctxP = ctx
if err != nil {
// Treat all errors as EOF on unsuccessful read
// of the first request byte.
return nil, io.EOF
if n != 1 {
// developer sanity-check
panic("BUG: Reader must return at least one byte")
ctx.fbr.c = c
ctx.fbr.ch = b[0]
ctx.fbr.byteRead = false
r := acquireReader(ctx)
return r, nil
func acquireReader(ctx *RequestCtx) *bufio.Reader {
v := ctx.s.readerPool.Get()
if v == nil {
n := ctx.s.ReadBufferSize
if n <= 0 {
n = defaultReadBufferSize
return bufio.NewReaderSize(ctx.c, n)
r := v.(*bufio.Reader)
return r
func releaseReader(s *Server, r *bufio.Reader) {
func acquireWriter(ctx *RequestCtx) *bufio.Writer {
v := ctx.s.writerPool.Get()
if v == nil {
n := ctx.s.WriteBufferSize
if n <= 0 {
n = defaultWriteBufferSize
return bufio.NewWriterSize(ctx.c, n)
w := v.(*bufio.Writer)
return w
func releaseWriter(s *Server, w *bufio.Writer) {
func (s *Server) acquireCtx(c net.Conn) (ctx *RequestCtx) {
v := s.ctxPool.Get()
if v == nil {
keepBodyBuffer := !s.ReduceMemoryUsage
ctx = new(RequestCtx)
ctx.Request.keepBodyBuffer = keepBodyBuffer
ctx.Response.keepBodyBuffer = keepBodyBuffer
ctx.s = s
} else {
ctx = v.(*RequestCtx)
if s.FormValueFunc != nil {
ctx.formValueFunc = s.FormValueFunc
ctx.c = c
return ctx
// Init2 prepares ctx for passing to RequestHandler.
// conn is used only for determining local and remote addresses.
// This function is intended for custom Server implementations.
// See https://github.com/valyala/httpteleport for details.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Init2(conn net.Conn, logger Logger, reduceMemoryUsage bool) {
ctx.c = conn
ctx.remoteAddr = nil
ctx.logger.logger = logger
ctx.connID = nextConnID()
ctx.s = fakeServer
ctx.connRequestNum = 0
ctx.connTime = time.Now()
keepBodyBuffer := !reduceMemoryUsage
ctx.Request.keepBodyBuffer = keepBodyBuffer
ctx.Response.keepBodyBuffer = keepBodyBuffer
// Init prepares ctx for passing to RequestHandler.
// remoteAddr and logger are optional. They are used by RequestCtx.Logger().
// This function is intended for custom Server implementations.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Init(req *Request, remoteAddr net.Addr, logger Logger) {
if remoteAddr == nil {
remoteAddr = zeroTCPAddr
c := &fakeAddrer{
laddr: zeroTCPAddr,
raddr: remoteAddr,
if logger == nil {
logger = defaultLogger
ctx.Init2(c, logger, true)
// Deadline returns the time when work done on behalf of this context
// should be canceled. Deadline returns ok==false when no deadline is
// set. Successive calls to Deadline return the same results.
// This method always returns 0, false and is only present to make
// RequestCtx implement the context interface.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Deadline() (deadline time.Time, ok bool) {
// Done returns a channel that's closed when work done on behalf of this
// context should be canceled. Done may return nil if this context can
// never be canceled. Successive calls to Done return the same value.
// Note: Because creating a new channel for every request is just too expensive, so
// RequestCtx.s.done is only closed when the server is shutting down.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Done() <-chan struct{} {
// fix use new variables to prevent panic caused by modifying the original done chan to nil.
done := ctx.s.done
if done == nil {
done = make(chan struct{}, 1)
done <- struct{}{}
return done
return done
// Err returns a non-nil error value after Done is closed,
// successive calls to Err return the same error.
// If Done is not yet closed, Err returns nil.
// If Done is closed, Err returns a non-nil error explaining why:
// Canceled if the context was canceled (via server Shutdown)
// or DeadlineExceeded if the context's deadline passed.
// Note: Because creating a new channel for every request is just too expensive, so
// RequestCtx.s.done is only closed when the server is shutting down.
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Err() error {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return context.Canceled
return nil
// Value returns the value associated with this context for key, or nil
// if no value is associated with key. Successive calls to Value with
// the same key returns the same result.
// This method is present to make RequestCtx implement the context interface.
// This method is the same as calling ctx.UserValue(key).
func (ctx *RequestCtx) Value(key any) any {
return ctx.UserValue(key)
var fakeServer = &Server{
// Initialize concurrencyCh for TimeoutHandler
concurrencyCh: make(chan struct{}, DefaultConcurrency),
type fakeAddrer struct {
laddr net.Addr
raddr net.Addr
func (fa *fakeAddrer) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
return fa.raddr
func (fa *fakeAddrer) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
return fa.laddr
func (fa *fakeAddrer) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
// developer sanity-check
panic("BUG: unexpected Read call")
func (fa *fakeAddrer) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
// developer sanity-check
panic("BUG: unexpected Write call")
func (fa *fakeAddrer) Close() error {
// developer sanity-check
panic("BUG: unexpected Close call")
func (s *Server) releaseCtx(ctx *RequestCtx) {
if ctx.timeoutResponse != nil {
// developer sanity-check
panic("BUG: cannot release timed out RequestCtx")
func (s *Server) getServerName() string {
serverName := s.Name
if serverName == "" {
if !s.NoDefaultServerHeader {
serverName = defaultServerName
return serverName
func (s *Server) writeFastError(w io.Writer, statusCode int, msg string) {
w.Write(formatStatusLine(nil, strHTTP11, statusCode, s2b(StatusMessage(statusCode)))) //nolint:errcheck
server := s.getServerName()
if server != "" {
server = fmt.Sprintf("Server: %s\r\n", server)
date := ""
if !s.NoDefaultDate {
date = fmt.Sprintf("Date: %s\r\n", serverDate.Load())
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Connection: close\r\n"+
"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"+
"Content-Length: %d\r\n"+
len(msg), msg)
func defaultErrorHandler(ctx *RequestCtx, err error) {
if _, ok := err.(*ErrSmallBuffer); ok {
ctx.Error("Too big request header", StatusRequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge)
} else if netErr, ok := err.(*net.OpError); ok && netErr.Timeout() {
ctx.Error("Request timeout", StatusRequestTimeout)
} else {
ctx.Error("Error when parsing request", StatusBadRequest)
func (s *Server) writeErrorResponse(bw *bufio.Writer, ctx *RequestCtx, serverName string, err error) *bufio.Writer {
errorHandler := defaultErrorHandler
if s.ErrorHandler != nil {
errorHandler = s.ErrorHandler
errorHandler(ctx, err)
if serverName != "" {
if bw == nil {
bw = acquireWriter(ctx)
writeResponse(ctx, bw) //nolint:errcheck
return bw
func (s *Server) trackConn(c net.Conn, state ConnState) {
switch state {
case StateIdle:
if s.idleConns == nil {
s.idleConns = make(map[net.Conn]time.Time)
s.idleConns[c] = time.Now()
case StateNew:
if s.idleConns == nil {
s.idleConns = make(map[net.Conn]time.Time)
// Count the connection as Idle after 5 seconds.
// Same as net/http.Server:
// https://github.com/golang/go/blob/85d7bab91d9a3ed1f76842e4328973ea75efef54/src/net/http/server.go#L2834-L2836
s.idleConns[c] = time.Now().Add(time.Second * 5)
delete(s.idleConns, c)
func (s *Server) closeIdleConns() {
now := time.Now()
for c, t := range s.idleConns {
if now.Sub(t) >= 0 {
_ = c.Close()
delete(s.idleConns, c)
// A ConnState represents the state of a client connection to a server.
// It's used by the optional Server.ConnState hook.
type ConnState int
const (
// StateNew represents a new connection that is expected to
// send a request immediately. Connections begin at this
// state and then transition to either StateActive or
// StateClosed.
StateNew ConnState = iota
// StateActive represents a connection that has read 1 or more
// bytes of a request. The Server.ConnState hook for
// StateActive fires before the request has entered a handler
// and doesn't fire again until the request has been
// handled. After the request is handled, the state
// transitions to StateClosed, StateHijacked, or StateIdle.
// For HTTP/2, StateActive fires on the transition from zero
// to one active request, and only transitions away once all
// active requests are complete. That means that ConnState
// cannot be used to do per-request work; ConnState only notes
// the overall state of the connection.
// StateIdle represents a connection that has finished
// handling a request and is in the keep-alive state, waiting
// for a new request. Connections transition from StateIdle
// to either StateActive or StateClosed.
// StateHijacked represents a hijacked connection.
// This is a terminal state. It does not transition to StateClosed.
// StateClosed represents a closed connection.
// This is a terminal state. Hijacked connections do not
// transition to StateClosed.
var stateName = []string{
StateNew: "new",
StateActive: "active",
StateIdle: "idle",
StateHijacked: "hijacked",
StateClosed: "closed",
func (c ConnState) String() string {
return stateName[c]