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// Package httphead contains utils for parsing HTTP and HTTP-grammar compatible
// text protocols headers.
// That is, this package first aim is to bring ability to easily parse
// constructions, described here https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616#section-2
package httphead
import (
// ScanTokens parses data in this form:
// list = 1#token
// It returns false if data is malformed.
func ScanTokens(data []byte, it func([]byte) bool) bool {
lexer := &Scanner{data: data}
var ok bool
for lexer.Next() {
switch lexer.Type() {
case ItemToken:
ok = true
if !it(lexer.Bytes()) {
return true
case ItemSeparator:
if !isComma(lexer.Bytes()) {
return false
return false
return ok && !lexer.err
// ParseOptions parses all header options and appends it to given slice of
// Option. It returns flag of successful (wellformed input) parsing.
// Note that appended options are all consist of subslices of data. That is,
// mutation of data will mutate appended options.
func ParseOptions(data []byte, options []Option) ([]Option, bool) {
var i int
index := -1
return options, ScanOptions(data, func(idx int, name, attr, val []byte) Control {
if idx != index {
index = idx
i = len(options)
options = append(options, Option{Name: name})
if attr != nil {
options[i].Parameters.Set(attr, val)
return ControlContinue
// SelectFlag encodes way of options selection.
type SelectFlag byte
// String represetns flag as string.
func (f SelectFlag) String() string {
var flags [2]string
var n int
if f&SelectCopy != 0 {
flags[n] = "copy"
if f&SelectUnique != 0 {
flags[n] = "unique"
return "[" + strings.Join(flags[:n], "|") + "]"
const (
// SelectCopy causes selector to copy selected option before appending it
// to resulting slice.
// If SelectCopy flag is not passed to selector, then appended options will
// contain sub-slices of the initial data.
SelectCopy SelectFlag = 1 << iota
// SelectUnique causes selector to append only not yet existing option to
// resulting slice. Unique is checked by comparing option names.
// OptionSelector contains configuration for selecting Options from header value.
type OptionSelector struct {
// Check is a filter function that applied to every Option that possibly
// could be selected.
// If Check is nil all options will be selected.
Check func(Option) bool
// Flags contains flags for options selection.
Flags SelectFlag
// Alloc used to allocate slice of bytes when selector is configured with
// SelectCopy flag. It will be called with number of bytes needed for copy
// of single Option.
// If Alloc is nil make is used.
Alloc func(n int) []byte
// Select parses header data and appends it to given slice of Option.
// It also returns flag of successful (wellformed input) parsing.
func (s OptionSelector) Select(data []byte, options []Option) ([]Option, bool) {
var current Option
var has bool
index := -1
alloc := s.Alloc
if alloc == nil {
alloc = defaultAlloc
check := s.Check
if check == nil {
check = defaultCheck
ok := ScanOptions(data, func(idx int, name, attr, val []byte) Control {
if idx != index {
if has && check(current) {
if s.Flags&SelectCopy != 0 {
current = current.Copy(alloc(current.Size()))
options = append(options, current)
has = false
if s.Flags&SelectUnique != 0 {
for i := len(options) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if bytes.Equal(options[i].Name, name) {
return ControlSkip
index = idx
current = Option{Name: name}
has = true
if attr != nil {
current.Parameters.Set(attr, val)
return ControlContinue
if has && check(current) {
if s.Flags&SelectCopy != 0 {
current = current.Copy(alloc(current.Size()))
options = append(options, current)
return options, ok
func defaultAlloc(n int) []byte { return make([]byte, n) }
func defaultCheck(Option) bool { return true }
// Control represents operation that scanner should perform.
type Control byte
const (
// ControlContinue causes scanner to continue scan tokens.
ControlContinue Control = iota
// ControlBreak causes scanner to stop scan tokens.
// ControlSkip causes scanner to skip current entity.
// ScanOptions parses data in this form:
// values = 1#value
// value = token *( ";" param )
// param = token [ "=" (token | quoted-string) ]
// It calls given callback with the index of the option, option itself and its
// parameter (attribute and its value, both could be nil). Index is useful when
// header contains multiple choises for the same named option.
// Given callback should return one of the defined Control* values.
// ControlSkip means that passed key is not in caller's interest. That is, all
// parameters of that key will be skipped.
// ControlBreak means that no more keys and parameters should be parsed. That
// is, it must break parsing immediately.
// ControlContinue means that caller want to receive next parameter and its
// value or the next key.
// It returns false if data is malformed.
func ScanOptions(data []byte, it func(index int, option, attribute, value []byte) Control) bool {
lexer := &Scanner{data: data}
var ok bool
var state int
const (
stateKey = iota
var (
index int
key, param, value []byte
mustCall bool
for lexer.Next() {
var (
call bool
growIndex int
t := lexer.Type()
v := lexer.Bytes()
switch t {
case ItemToken:
switch state {
case stateKey, stateParamBeforeName:
key = v
state = stateParamBeforeName
mustCall = true
case stateParamName:
param = v
state = stateParamBeforeValue
mustCall = true
case stateParamValue:
value = v
state = stateParamBeforeName
call = true
return false
case ItemString:
if state != stateParamValue {
return false
value = v
state = stateParamBeforeName
call = true
case ItemSeparator:
switch {
case isComma(v) && state == stateKey:
// Nothing to do.
case isComma(v) && state == stateParamBeforeName:
state = stateKey
// Make call only if we have not called this key yet.
call = mustCall
if !call {
// If we have already called callback with the key
// that just ended.
} else {
// Else grow the index after calling callback.
growIndex = 1
case isComma(v) && state == stateParamBeforeValue:
state = stateKey
growIndex = 1
call = true
case isSemicolon(v) && state == stateParamBeforeName:
state = stateParamName
case isSemicolon(v) && state == stateParamBeforeValue:
state = stateParamName
call = true
case isEquality(v) && state == stateParamBeforeValue:
state = stateParamValue
return false
return false
if call {
switch it(index, key, param, value) {
case ControlBreak:
// User want to stop to parsing parameters.
return true
case ControlSkip:
// User want to skip current param.
state = stateKey
case ControlContinue:
// User is interested in rest of parameters.
// Nothing to do.
panic("unexpected control value")
ok = true
param = nil
value = nil
mustCall = false
index += growIndex
if mustCall {
ok = true
it(index, key, param, value)
return ok && !lexer.err
func isComma(b []byte) bool {
return len(b) == 1 && b[0] == ','
func isSemicolon(b []byte) bool {
return len(b) == 1 && b[0] == ';'
func isEquality(b []byte) bool {
return len(b) == 1 && b[0] == '='