// Package easyjson contains marshaler/unmarshaler interfaces and helper functions. package easyjson import ( "io" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "strconv" "unsafe" "github.com/mailru/easyjson/jlexer" "github.com/mailru/easyjson/jwriter" ) // Marshaler is an easyjson-compatible marshaler interface. type Marshaler interface { MarshalEasyJSON(w *jwriter.Writer) } // Unmarshaler is an easyjson-compatible unmarshaler interface. type Unmarshaler interface { UnmarshalEasyJSON(w *jlexer.Lexer) } // MarshalerUnmarshaler is an easyjson-compatible marshaler/unmarshaler interface. type MarshalerUnmarshaler interface { Marshaler Unmarshaler } // Optional defines an undefined-test method for a type to integrate with 'omitempty' logic. type Optional interface { IsDefined() bool } // UnknownsUnmarshaler provides a method to unmarshal unknown struct fileds and save them as you want type UnknownsUnmarshaler interface { UnmarshalUnknown(in *jlexer.Lexer, key string) } // UnknownsMarshaler provides a method to write additional struct fields type UnknownsMarshaler interface { MarshalUnknowns(w *jwriter.Writer, first bool) } func isNilInterface(i interface{}) bool { return (*[2]uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&i))[1] == 0 } // Marshal returns data as a single byte slice. Method is suboptimal as the data is likely to be copied // from a chain of smaller chunks. func Marshal(v Marshaler) ([]byte, error) { if isNilInterface(v) { return nullBytes, nil } w := jwriter.Writer{} v.MarshalEasyJSON(&w) return w.BuildBytes() } // MarshalToWriter marshals the data to an io.Writer. func MarshalToWriter(v Marshaler, w io.Writer) (written int, err error) { if isNilInterface(v) { return w.Write(nullBytes) } jw := jwriter.Writer{} v.MarshalEasyJSON(&jw) return jw.DumpTo(w) } // MarshalToHTTPResponseWriter sets Content-Length and Content-Type headers for the // http.ResponseWriter, and send the data to the writer. started will be equal to // false if an error occurred before any http.ResponseWriter methods were actually // invoked (in this case a 500 reply is possible). func MarshalToHTTPResponseWriter(v Marshaler, w http.ResponseWriter) (started bool, written int, err error) { if isNilInterface(v) { w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") w.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(len(nullBytes))) written, err = w.Write(nullBytes) return true, written, err } jw := jwriter.Writer{} v.MarshalEasyJSON(&jw) if jw.Error != nil { return false, 0, jw.Error } w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") w.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(jw.Size())) started = true written, err = jw.DumpTo(w) return } // Unmarshal decodes the JSON in data into the object. func Unmarshal(data []byte, v Unmarshaler) error { l := jlexer.Lexer{Data: data} v.UnmarshalEasyJSON(&l) return l.Error() } // UnmarshalFromReader reads all the data in the reader and decodes as JSON into the object. func UnmarshalFromReader(r io.Reader, v Unmarshaler) error { data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) if err != nil { return err } l := jlexer.Lexer{Data: data} v.UnmarshalEasyJSON(&l) return l.Error() }