package fasthttp

import (

// Do performs the given http request and fills the given http response.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// Client determines the server to be requested in the following order:
//   - from RequestURI if it contains full url with scheme and host;
//   - from Host header otherwise.
// The function doesn't follow redirects. Use Get* for following redirects.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all DefaultMaxConnsPerHost connections
// to the requested host are busy.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func Do(req *Request, resp *Response) error {
	return defaultClient.Do(req, resp)

// DoTimeout performs the given request and waits for response during
// the given timeout duration.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// Client determines the server to be requested in the following order:
//   - from RequestURI if it contains full url with scheme and host;
//   - from Host header otherwise.
// The function doesn't follow redirects. Use Get* for following redirects.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// ErrTimeout is returned if the response wasn't returned during
// the given timeout.
// ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all DefaultMaxConnsPerHost connections
// to the requested host are busy.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func DoTimeout(req *Request, resp *Response, timeout time.Duration) error {
	return defaultClient.DoTimeout(req, resp, timeout)

// DoDeadline performs the given request and waits for response until
// the given deadline.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// Client determines the server to be requested in the following order:
//   - from RequestURI if it contains full url with scheme and host;
//   - from Host header otherwise.
// The function doesn't follow redirects. Use Get* for following redirects.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// ErrTimeout is returned if the response wasn't returned until
// the given deadline.
// ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all DefaultMaxConnsPerHost connections
// to the requested host are busy.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func DoDeadline(req *Request, resp *Response, deadline time.Time) error {
	return defaultClient.DoDeadline(req, resp, deadline)

// DoRedirects performs the given http request and fills the given http response,
// following up to maxRedirectsCount redirects. When the redirect count exceeds
// maxRedirectsCount, ErrTooManyRedirects is returned.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// Client determines the server to be requested in the following order:
//   - from RequestURI if it contains full url with scheme and host;
//   - from Host header otherwise.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all DefaultMaxConnsPerHost connections
// to the requested host are busy.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func DoRedirects(req *Request, resp *Response, maxRedirectsCount int) error {
	_, _, err := doRequestFollowRedirects(req, resp, req.URI().String(), maxRedirectsCount, &defaultClient)
	return err

// Get returns the status code and body of url.
// The contents of dst will be replaced by the body and returned, if the dst
// is too small a new slice will be allocated.
// The function follows redirects. Use Do* for manually handling redirects.
func Get(dst []byte, url string) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	return defaultClient.Get(dst, url)

// GetTimeout returns the status code and body of url.
// The contents of dst will be replaced by the body and returned, if the dst
// is too small a new slice will be allocated.
// The function follows redirects. Use Do* for manually handling redirects.
// ErrTimeout error is returned if url contents couldn't be fetched
// during the given timeout.
func GetTimeout(dst []byte, url string, timeout time.Duration) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	return defaultClient.GetTimeout(dst, url, timeout)

// GetDeadline returns the status code and body of url.
// The contents of dst will be replaced by the body and returned, if the dst
// is too small a new slice will be allocated.
// The function follows redirects. Use Do* for manually handling redirects.
// ErrTimeout error is returned if url contents couldn't be fetched
// until the given deadline.
func GetDeadline(dst []byte, url string, deadline time.Time) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	return defaultClient.GetDeadline(dst, url, deadline)

// Post sends POST request to the given url with the given POST arguments.
// The contents of dst will be replaced by the body and returned, if the dst
// is too small a new slice will be allocated.
// The function follows redirects. Use Do* for manually handling redirects.
// Empty POST body is sent if postArgs is nil.
func Post(dst []byte, url string, postArgs *Args) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	return defaultClient.Post(dst, url, postArgs)

var defaultClient Client

// Client implements http client.
// Copying Client by value is prohibited. Create new instance instead.
// It is safe calling Client methods from concurrently running goroutines.
// The fields of a Client should not be changed while it is in use.
type Client struct {
	noCopy noCopy

	readerPool sync.Pool
	writerPool sync.Pool

	// Callback for establishing new connections to hosts.
	// Default DialTimeout is used if not set.
	DialTimeout DialFuncWithTimeout

	// Callback for establishing new connections to hosts.
	// Note that if Dial is set instead of DialTimeout, Dial will ignore Request timeout.
	// If you want the tcp dial process to account for request timeouts, use DialTimeout instead.
	// If not set, DialTimeout is used.
	Dial DialFunc

	// TLS config for https connections.
	// Default TLS config is used if not set.
	TLSConfig *tls.Config

	// RetryIf controls whether a retry should be attempted after an error.
	// By default will use isIdempotent function.
	// Deprecated: Use RetryIfErr instead.
	// This field is only effective when the `RetryIfErr` field is not set.
	RetryIf RetryIfFunc

	// When the client encounters an error during a request, the behavior—whether to retry
	// and whether to reset the request timeout—should be determined
	// based on the return value of this field.
	// This field is only effective within the range of MaxIdemponentCallAttempts.
	RetryIfErr RetryIfErrFunc

	// ConfigureClient configures the fasthttp.HostClient.
	ConfigureClient func(hc *HostClient) error

	m  map[string]*HostClient
	ms map[string]*HostClient

	// Client name. Used in User-Agent request header.
	// Default client name is used if not set.
	Name string

	// Maximum number of connections per each host which may be established.
	// DefaultMaxConnsPerHost is used if not set.
	MaxConnsPerHost int

	// Idle keep-alive connections are closed after this duration.
	// By default idle connections are closed
	// after DefaultMaxIdleConnDuration.
	MaxIdleConnDuration time.Duration

	// Keep-alive connections are closed after this duration.
	// By default connection duration is unlimited.
	MaxConnDuration time.Duration

	// Maximum number of attempts for idempotent calls.
	// DefaultMaxIdemponentCallAttempts is used if not set.
	MaxIdemponentCallAttempts int

	// Per-connection buffer size for responses' reading.
	// This also limits the maximum header size.
	// Default buffer size is used if 0.
	ReadBufferSize int

	// Per-connection buffer size for requests' writing.
	// Default buffer size is used if 0.
	WriteBufferSize int

	// Maximum duration for full response reading (including body).
	// By default response read timeout is unlimited.
	ReadTimeout time.Duration

	// Maximum duration for full request writing (including body).
	// By default request write timeout is unlimited.
	WriteTimeout time.Duration

	// Maximum response body size.
	// The client returns ErrBodyTooLarge if this limit is greater than 0
	// and response body is greater than the limit.
	// By default response body size is unlimited.
	MaxResponseBodySize int

	// Maximum duration for waiting for a free connection.
	// By default will not waiting, return ErrNoFreeConns immediately.
	MaxConnWaitTimeout time.Duration

	// Connection pool strategy. Can be either LIFO or FIFO (default).
	ConnPoolStrategy ConnPoolStrategyType

	mLock sync.RWMutex
	mOnce sync.Once

	// NoDefaultUserAgentHeader when set to true, causes the default
	// User-Agent header to be excluded from the Request.
	NoDefaultUserAgentHeader bool

	// Attempt to connect to both ipv4 and ipv6 addresses if set to true.
	// This option is used only if default TCP dialer is used,
	// i.e. if Dial is blank.
	// By default client connects only to ipv4 addresses,
	// since unfortunately ipv6 remains broken in many networks worldwide :)
	DialDualStack bool

	// Header names are passed as-is without normalization
	// if this option is set.
	// Disabled header names' normalization may be useful only for proxying
	// responses to other clients expecting case-sensitive
	// header names. See
	// for details.
	// By default request and response header names are normalized, i.e.
	// The first letter and the first letters following dashes
	// are uppercased, while all the other letters are lowercased.
	// Examples:
	//     * HOST -> Host
	//     * content-type -> Content-Type
	//     * cONTENT-lenGTH -> Content-Length
	DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing bool

	// Path values are sent as-is without normalization.
	// Disabled path normalization may be useful for proxying incoming requests
	// to servers that are expecting paths to be forwarded as-is.
	// By default path values are normalized, i.e.
	// extra slashes are removed, special characters are encoded.
	DisablePathNormalizing bool

	// StreamResponseBody enables response body streaming.
	StreamResponseBody bool

// Get returns the status code and body of url.
// The contents of dst will be replaced by the body and returned, if the dst
// is too small a new slice will be allocated.
// The function follows redirects. Use Do* for manually handling redirects.
func (c *Client) Get(dst []byte, url string) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	return clientGetURL(dst, url, c)

// GetTimeout returns the status code and body of url.
// The contents of dst will be replaced by the body and returned, if the dst
// is too small a new slice will be allocated.
// The function follows redirects. Use Do* for manually handling redirects.
// ErrTimeout error is returned if url contents couldn't be fetched
// during the given timeout.
func (c *Client) GetTimeout(dst []byte, url string, timeout time.Duration) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	return clientGetURLTimeout(dst, url, timeout, c)

// GetDeadline returns the status code and body of url.
// The contents of dst will be replaced by the body and returned, if the dst
// is too small a new slice will be allocated.
// The function follows redirects. Use Do* for manually handling redirects.
// ErrTimeout error is returned if url contents couldn't be fetched
// until the given deadline.
func (c *Client) GetDeadline(dst []byte, url string, deadline time.Time) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	return clientGetURLDeadline(dst, url, deadline, c)

// Post sends POST request to the given url with the given POST arguments.
// The contents of dst will be replaced by the body and returned, if the dst
// is too small a new slice will be allocated.
// The function follows redirects. Use Do* for manually handling redirects.
// Empty POST body is sent if postArgs is nil.
func (c *Client) Post(dst []byte, url string, postArgs *Args) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	return clientPostURL(dst, url, postArgs, c)

// DoTimeout performs the given request and waits for response during
// the given timeout duration.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// Client determines the server to be requested in the following order:
//   - from RequestURI if it contains full url with scheme and host;
//   - from Host header otherwise.
// The function doesn't follow redirects. Use Get* for following redirects.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// ErrTimeout is returned if the response wasn't returned during
// the given timeout.
// Immediately returns ErrTimeout if timeout value is negative.
// ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all Client.MaxConnsPerHost connections
// to the requested host are busy.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func (c *Client) DoTimeout(req *Request, resp *Response, timeout time.Duration) error {
	req.timeout = timeout
	if req.timeout <= 0 {
		return ErrTimeout
	return c.Do(req, resp)

// DoDeadline performs the given request and waits for response until
// the given deadline.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// Client determines the server to be requested in the following order:
//   - from RequestURI if it contains full url with scheme and host;
//   - from Host header otherwise.
// The function doesn't follow redirects. Use Get* for following redirects.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// ErrTimeout is returned if the response wasn't returned until
// the given deadline.
// Immediately returns ErrTimeout if the deadline has already been reached.
// ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all Client.MaxConnsPerHost connections
// to the requested host are busy.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func (c *Client) DoDeadline(req *Request, resp *Response, deadline time.Time) error {
	req.timeout = time.Until(deadline)
	if req.timeout <= 0 {
		return ErrTimeout
	return c.Do(req, resp)

// DoRedirects performs the given http request and fills the given http response,
// following up to maxRedirectsCount redirects. When the redirect count exceeds
// maxRedirectsCount, ErrTooManyRedirects is returned.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// Client determines the server to be requested in the following order:
//   - from RequestURI if it contains full url with scheme and host;
//   - from Host header otherwise.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all DefaultMaxConnsPerHost connections
// to the requested host are busy.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func (c *Client) DoRedirects(req *Request, resp *Response, maxRedirectsCount int) error {
	_, _, err := doRequestFollowRedirects(req, resp, req.URI().String(), maxRedirectsCount, c)
	return err

// Do performs the given http request and fills the given http response.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// Client determines the server to be requested in the following order:
//   - from RequestURI if it contains full url with scheme and host;
//   - from Host header otherwise.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// The function doesn't follow redirects. Use Get* for following redirects.
// ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all Client.MaxConnsPerHost connections
// to the requested host are busy.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func (c *Client) Do(req *Request, resp *Response) error {
	uri := req.URI()
	if uri == nil {
		return ErrorInvalidURI

	host := uri.Host()

	if bytes.ContainsRune(host, ',') {
		return fmt.Errorf("invalid host %q. Use HostClient for multiple hosts", host)

	isTLS := false
	if uri.isHTTPS() {
		isTLS = true
	} else if !uri.isHTTP() {
		return fmt.Errorf("unsupported protocol %q. http and https are supported", uri.Scheme())

	c.mOnce.Do(func() {
		c.m = make(map[string]*HostClient) = make(map[string]*HostClient)

	startCleaner := false

	m := c.m
	if isTLS {
		m =
	hc := m[string(host)]
	if hc != nil {
		atomic.AddInt32(&hc.pendingClientRequests, 1)
		defer atomic.AddInt32(&hc.pendingClientRequests, -1)
	if hc == nil {
		hc = m[string(host)]
		if hc == nil {
			hc = &HostClient{
				Addr:                          AddMissingPort(string(host), isTLS),
				Name:                          c.Name,
				NoDefaultUserAgentHeader:      c.NoDefaultUserAgentHeader,
				Dial:                          c.Dial,
				DialTimeout:                   c.DialTimeout,
				DialDualStack:                 c.DialDualStack,
				IsTLS:                         isTLS,
				TLSConfig:                     c.TLSConfig,
				MaxConns:                      c.MaxConnsPerHost,
				MaxIdleConnDuration:           c.MaxIdleConnDuration,
				MaxConnDuration:               c.MaxConnDuration,
				MaxIdemponentCallAttempts:     c.MaxIdemponentCallAttempts,
				ReadBufferSize:                c.ReadBufferSize,
				WriteBufferSize:               c.WriteBufferSize,
				ReadTimeout:                   c.ReadTimeout,
				WriteTimeout:                  c.WriteTimeout,
				MaxResponseBodySize:           c.MaxResponseBodySize,
				DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing: c.DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing,
				DisablePathNormalizing:        c.DisablePathNormalizing,
				MaxConnWaitTimeout:            c.MaxConnWaitTimeout,
				RetryIf:                       c.RetryIf,
				RetryIfErr:                    c.RetryIfErr,
				ConnPoolStrategy:              c.ConnPoolStrategy,
				StreamResponseBody:            c.StreamResponseBody,
				clientReaderPool:              &c.readerPool,
				clientWriterPool:              &c.writerPool,

			if c.ConfigureClient != nil {
				if err := c.ConfigureClient(hc); err != nil {
					return err

			m[string(host)] = hc
			if len(m) == 1 {
				startCleaner = true
		atomic.AddInt32(&hc.pendingClientRequests, 1)
		defer atomic.AddInt32(&hc.pendingClientRequests, -1)

	if startCleaner {
		go c.mCleaner(m)

	return hc.Do(req, resp)

// CloseIdleConnections closes any connections which were previously
// connected from previous requests but are now sitting idle in a
// "keep-alive" state. It does not interrupt any connections currently
// in use.
func (c *Client) CloseIdleConnections() {
	for _, v := range c.m {
	for _, v := range {

func (c *Client) mCleaner(m map[string]*HostClient) {
	mustStop := false

	sleep := c.MaxIdleConnDuration
	if sleep < time.Second {
		sleep = time.Second
	} else if sleep > 10*time.Second {
		sleep = 10 * time.Second

	for {
		for k, v := range m {
			if v.connsCount == 0 && atomic.LoadInt32(&v.pendingClientRequests) == 0 {
				delete(m, k)
		if len(m) == 0 {
			mustStop = true

		if mustStop {

// DefaultMaxConnsPerHost is the maximum number of concurrent connections
// http client may establish per host by default (i.e. if
// Client.MaxConnsPerHost isn't set).
const DefaultMaxConnsPerHost = 512

// DefaultMaxIdleConnDuration is the default duration before idle keep-alive
// connection is closed.
const DefaultMaxIdleConnDuration = 10 * time.Second

// DefaultMaxIdemponentCallAttempts is the default idempotent calls attempts count.
const DefaultMaxIdemponentCallAttempts = 5

// DialFunc must establish connection to addr.
// There is no need in establishing TLS (SSL) connection for https.
// The client automatically converts connection to TLS
// if HostClient.IsTLS is set.
// TCP address passed to DialFunc always contains host and port.
// Example TCP addr values:
//   -
//   -
//   -
type DialFunc func(addr string) (net.Conn, error)

// DialFuncWithTimeout must establish connection to addr.
// Unlike DialFunc, it also accepts a timeout.
// There is no need in establishing TLS (SSL) connection for https.
// The client automatically converts connection to TLS
// if HostClient.IsTLS is set.
// TCP address passed to DialFuncWithTimeout always contains host and port.
// Example TCP addr values:
//   -
//   -
//   -
type DialFuncWithTimeout func(addr string, timeout time.Duration) (net.Conn, error)

// RetryIfFunc defines the signature of the retry if function.
// Request argument passed to RetryIfFunc, if there are any request errors.
type RetryIfFunc func(request *Request) bool

// RetryIfErrFunc defines an interface used for implementing the following functionality:
// When the client encounters an error during a request, the behavior—whether to retry
// and whether to reset the request timeout—should be determined
// based on the return value of this interface.
// attempt indicates which attempt the current retry is due to a failure of.
// The first request counts as the first attempt.
// err represents the error encountered while attempting the `attempts`-th request.
// resetTimeout indicates whether to reuse the `Request`'s timeout as the timeout interval,
// rather than using the timeout after subtracting the time spent on previous failed requests.
// This return value is meaningful only when you use `Request.SetTimeout`, `DoTimeout`, or `DoDeadline`.
// retry indicates whether to retry the current request. If it is false,
// the request function will immediately return with the `err`.
type RetryIfErrFunc func(request *Request, attempts int, err error) (resetTimeout bool, retry bool)

// RoundTripper wraps every request/response.
type RoundTripper interface {
	RoundTrip(hc *HostClient, req *Request, resp *Response) (retry bool, err error)

// ConnPoolStrategyType define strategy of connection pool enqueue/dequeue.
type ConnPoolStrategyType int

const (
	FIFO ConnPoolStrategyType = iota

// HostClient balances http requests among hosts listed in Addr.
// HostClient may be used for balancing load among multiple upstream hosts.
// While multiple addresses passed to HostClient.Addr may be used for balancing
// load among them, it would be better using LBClient instead, since HostClient
// may unevenly balance load among upstream hosts.
// It is forbidden copying HostClient instances. Create new instances instead.
// It is safe calling HostClient methods from concurrently running goroutines.
type HostClient struct {
	noCopy noCopy

	readerPool sync.Pool
	writerPool sync.Pool

	// Transport defines a transport-like mechanism that wraps every request/response.
	Transport RoundTripper

	// Callback for establishing new connections to hosts.
	// Default DialTimeout is used if not set.
	DialTimeout DialFuncWithTimeout

	// Callback for establishing new connections to hosts.
	// Note that if Dial is set instead of DialTimeout, Dial will ignore Request timeout.
	// If you want the tcp dial process to account for request timeouts, use DialTimeout instead.
	// If not set, DialTimeout is used.
	Dial DialFunc

	// Optional TLS config.
	TLSConfig *tls.Config

	// RetryIf controls whether a retry should be attempted after an error.
	// By default, it uses the isIdempotent function.
	// Deprecated: Use RetryIfErr instead.
	// This field is only effective when the `RetryIfErr` field is not set.
	RetryIf RetryIfFunc

	// When the client encounters an error during a request, the behavior—whether to retry
	// and whether to reset the request timeout—should be determined
	// based on the return value of this field.
	// This field is only effective within the range of MaxIdemponentCallAttempts.
	RetryIfErr RetryIfErrFunc

	connsWait *wantConnQueue

	tlsConfigMap map[string]*tls.Config

	clientReaderPool *sync.Pool
	clientWriterPool *sync.Pool

	// Comma-separated list of upstream HTTP server host addresses,
	// which are passed to Dial or DialTimeout in a round-robin manner.
	// Each address may contain port if default dialer is used.
	// For example,
	//    -
	//    -
	//    -
	Addr string

	// Client name. Used in User-Agent request header.
	Name string

	conns []*clientConn
	addrs []string

	// Maximum number of connections which may be established to all hosts
	// listed in Addr.
	// You can change this value while the HostClient is being used
	// with HostClient.SetMaxConns(value)
	// DefaultMaxConnsPerHost is used if not set.
	MaxConns int

	// Keep-alive connections are closed after this duration.
	// By default connection duration is unlimited.
	MaxConnDuration time.Duration

	// Idle keep-alive connections are closed after this duration.
	// By default idle connections are closed
	// after DefaultMaxIdleConnDuration.
	MaxIdleConnDuration time.Duration

	// Maximum number of attempts for idempotent calls.
	// A value of 0 or a negative value represents using DefaultMaxIdemponentCallAttempts.
	// For example, a value of 1 means the request will be executed only once,
	// while 2 means the request will be executed at most twice.
	// The RetryIfErr and RetryIf fields can invalidate remaining attempts.
	MaxIdemponentCallAttempts int

	// Per-connection buffer size for responses' reading.
	// This also limits the maximum header size.
	// Default buffer size is used if 0.
	ReadBufferSize int

	// Per-connection buffer size for requests' writing.
	// Default buffer size is used if 0.
	WriteBufferSize int

	// Maximum duration for full response reading (including body).
	// By default response read timeout is unlimited.
	ReadTimeout time.Duration

	// Maximum duration for full request writing (including body).
	// By default request write timeout is unlimited.
	WriteTimeout time.Duration

	// Maximum response body size.
	// The client returns ErrBodyTooLarge if this limit is greater than 0
	// and response body is greater than the limit.
	// By default response body size is unlimited.
	MaxResponseBodySize int

	// Maximum duration for waiting for a free connection.
	// By default will not waiting, return ErrNoFreeConns immediately
	MaxConnWaitTimeout time.Duration

	// Connection pool strategy. Can be either LIFO or FIFO (default).
	ConnPoolStrategy ConnPoolStrategyType

	connsCount int

	connsLock sync.Mutex

	addrsLock        sync.Mutex
	tlsConfigMapLock sync.Mutex

	addrIdx     uint32
	lastUseTime uint32

	pendingRequests int32

	// pendingClientRequests counts the number of requests that a Client is currently running using this HostClient.
	// It will be incremented earlier than pendingRequests and will be used by Client to see if the HostClient is still in use.
	pendingClientRequests int32

	// NoDefaultUserAgentHeader when set to true, causes the default
	// User-Agent header to be excluded from the Request.
	NoDefaultUserAgentHeader bool

	// Attempt to connect to both ipv4 and ipv6 host addresses
	// if set to true.
	// This option is used only if default TCP dialer is used,
	// i.e. if Dial and DialTimeout are blank.
	// By default client connects only to ipv4 addresses,
	// since unfortunately ipv6 remains broken in many networks worldwide :)
	DialDualStack bool

	// Whether to use TLS (aka SSL or HTTPS) for host connections.
	IsTLS bool

	// Header names are passed as-is without normalization
	// if this option is set.
	// Disabled header names' normalization may be useful only for proxying
	// responses to other clients expecting case-sensitive
	// header names. See
	// for details.
	// By default request and response header names are normalized, i.e.
	// The first letter and the first letters following dashes
	// are uppercased, while all the other letters are lowercased.
	// Examples:
	//     * HOST -> Host
	//     * content-type -> Content-Type
	//     * cONTENT-lenGTH -> Content-Length
	DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing bool

	// Path values are sent as-is without normalization.
	// Disabled path normalization may be useful for proxying incoming requests
	// to servers that are expecting paths to be forwarded as-is.
	// By default path values are normalized, i.e.
	// extra slashes are removed, special characters are encoded.
	DisablePathNormalizing bool

	// Will not log potentially sensitive content in error logs.
	// This option is useful for servers that handle sensitive data
	// in the request/response.
	// Client logs full errors by default.
	SecureErrorLogMessage bool

	// StreamResponseBody enables response body streaming.
	StreamResponseBody bool

	connsCleanerRun bool

type clientConn struct {
	c net.Conn

	createdTime time.Time
	lastUseTime time.Time

var startTimeUnix = time.Now().Unix()

// LastUseTime returns time the client was last used.
func (c *HostClient) LastUseTime() time.Time {
	n := atomic.LoadUint32(&c.lastUseTime)
	return time.Unix(startTimeUnix+int64(n), 0)

// Get returns the status code and body of url.
// The contents of dst will be replaced by the body and returned, if the dst
// is too small a new slice will be allocated.
// The function follows redirects. Use Do* for manually handling redirects.
func (c *HostClient) Get(dst []byte, url string) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	return clientGetURL(dst, url, c)

// GetTimeout returns the status code and body of url.
// The contents of dst will be replaced by the body and returned, if the dst
// is too small a new slice will be allocated.
// The function follows redirects. Use Do* for manually handling redirects.
// ErrTimeout error is returned if url contents couldn't be fetched
// during the given timeout.
func (c *HostClient) GetTimeout(dst []byte, url string, timeout time.Duration) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	return clientGetURLTimeout(dst, url, timeout, c)

// GetDeadline returns the status code and body of url.
// The contents of dst will be replaced by the body and returned, if the dst
// is too small a new slice will be allocated.
// The function follows redirects. Use Do* for manually handling redirects.
// ErrTimeout error is returned if url contents couldn't be fetched
// until the given deadline.
func (c *HostClient) GetDeadline(dst []byte, url string, deadline time.Time) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	return clientGetURLDeadline(dst, url, deadline, c)

// Post sends POST request to the given url with the given POST arguments.
// The contents of dst will be replaced by the body and returned, if the dst
// is too small a new slice will be allocated.
// The function follows redirects. Use Do* for manually handling redirects.
// Empty POST body is sent if postArgs is nil.
func (c *HostClient) Post(dst []byte, url string, postArgs *Args) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	return clientPostURL(dst, url, postArgs, c)

type clientDoer interface {
	Do(req *Request, resp *Response) error

func clientGetURL(dst []byte, url string, c clientDoer) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	req := AcquireRequest()

	statusCode, body, err = doRequestFollowRedirectsBuffer(req, dst, url, c)

	return statusCode, body, err

func clientGetURLTimeout(dst []byte, url string, timeout time.Duration, c clientDoer) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	deadline := time.Now().Add(timeout)
	return clientGetURLDeadline(dst, url, deadline, c)

type clientURLResponse struct {
	err        error
	body       []byte
	statusCode int

func clientGetURLDeadline(dst []byte, url string, deadline time.Time, c clientDoer) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	timeout := time.Until(deadline)
	if timeout <= 0 {
		return 0, dst, ErrTimeout

	var ch chan clientURLResponse
	chv := clientURLResponseChPool.Get()
	if chv == nil {
		chv = make(chan clientURLResponse, 1)
	ch = chv.(chan clientURLResponse)

	// Note that the request continues execution on ErrTimeout until
	// client-specific ReadTimeout exceeds. This helps limiting load
	// on slow hosts by MaxConns* concurrent requests.
	// Without this 'hack' the load on slow host could exceed MaxConns*
	// concurrent requests, since timed out requests on client side
	// usually continue execution on the host.

	var mu sync.Mutex
	var timedout, responded bool

	go func() {
		req := AcquireRequest()

		statusCodeCopy, bodyCopy, errCopy := doRequestFollowRedirectsBuffer(req, dst, url, c)
		if !timedout {
			ch <- clientURLResponse{
				statusCode: statusCodeCopy,
				body:       bodyCopy,
				err:        errCopy,
			responded = true


	tc := AcquireTimer(timeout)
	select {
	case resp := <-ch:
		statusCode = resp.statusCode
		body = resp.body
		err = resp.err
	case <-tc.C:
		if responded {
			resp := <-ch
			statusCode = resp.statusCode
			body = resp.body
			err = resp.err
		} else {
			timedout = true
			err = ErrTimeout
			body = dst


	return statusCode, body, err

var clientURLResponseChPool sync.Pool

func clientPostURL(dst []byte, url string, postArgs *Args, c clientDoer) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	req := AcquireRequest()
	defer ReleaseRequest(req)

	if postArgs != nil {
		if _, err := postArgs.WriteTo(req.BodyWriter()); err != nil {
			return 0, nil, err

	statusCode, body, err = doRequestFollowRedirectsBuffer(req, dst, url, c)

	return statusCode, body, err

var (
	// ErrMissingLocation is returned by clients when the Location header is missing on
	// an HTTP response with a redirect status code.
	ErrMissingLocation = errors.New("missing Location header for http redirect")
	// ErrTooManyRedirects is returned by clients when the number of redirects followed
	// exceed the max count.
	ErrTooManyRedirects = errors.New("too many redirects detected when doing the request")

	// HostClients are only able to follow redirects to the same protocol.
	ErrHostClientRedirectToDifferentScheme = errors.New("HostClient can't follow redirects to a different protocol," +
		" please use Client instead")

const defaultMaxRedirectsCount = 16

func doRequestFollowRedirectsBuffer(req *Request, dst []byte, url string, c clientDoer) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	resp := AcquireResponse()
	bodyBuf := resp.bodyBuffer()
	resp.keepBodyBuffer = true
	oldBody := bodyBuf.B
	bodyBuf.B = dst

	statusCode, _, err = doRequestFollowRedirects(req, resp, url, defaultMaxRedirectsCount, c)

	body = bodyBuf.B
	bodyBuf.B = oldBody
	resp.keepBodyBuffer = false

	return statusCode, body, err

func doRequestFollowRedirects(
	req *Request, resp *Response, url string, maxRedirectsCount int, c clientDoer,
) (statusCode int, body []byte, err error) {
	redirectsCount := 0

	for {
		if err := req.parseURI(); err != nil {
			return 0, nil, err

		if err = c.Do(req, resp); err != nil {
		statusCode = resp.Header.StatusCode()
		if !StatusCodeIsRedirect(statusCode) {

		if redirectsCount > maxRedirectsCount {
			err = ErrTooManyRedirects
		location := resp.Header.peek(strLocation)
		if len(location) == 0 {
			err = ErrMissingLocation
		url = getRedirectURL(url, location, req.DisableRedirectPathNormalizing)

	return statusCode, body, err

func getRedirectURL(baseURL string, location []byte, disablePathNormalizing bool) string {
	u := AcquireURI()
	u.DisablePathNormalizing = disablePathNormalizing
	redirectURL := u.String()
	return redirectURL

// StatusCodeIsRedirect returns true if the status code indicates a redirect.
func StatusCodeIsRedirect(statusCode int) bool {
	return statusCode == StatusMovedPermanently ||
		statusCode == StatusFound ||
		statusCode == StatusSeeOther ||
		statusCode == StatusTemporaryRedirect ||
		statusCode == StatusPermanentRedirect

var (
	requestPool  sync.Pool
	responsePool sync.Pool

// AcquireRequest returns an empty Request instance from request pool.
// The returned Request instance may be passed to ReleaseRequest when it is
// no longer needed. This allows Request recycling, reduces GC pressure
// and usually improves performance.
func AcquireRequest() *Request {
	v := requestPool.Get()
	if v == nil {
		return &Request{}
	return v.(*Request)

// ReleaseRequest returns req acquired via AcquireRequest to request pool.
// It is forbidden accessing req and/or its' members after returning
// it to request pool.
func ReleaseRequest(req *Request) {

// AcquireResponse returns an empty Response instance from response pool.
// The returned Response instance may be passed to ReleaseResponse when it is
// no longer needed. This allows Response recycling, reduces GC pressure
// and usually improves performance.
func AcquireResponse() *Response {
	v := responsePool.Get()
	if v == nil {
		return &Response{}
	return v.(*Response)

// ReleaseResponse return resp acquired via AcquireResponse to response pool.
// It is forbidden accessing resp and/or its' members after returning
// it to response pool.
func ReleaseResponse(resp *Response) {

// DoTimeout performs the given request and waits for response during
// the given timeout duration.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// The function doesn't follow redirects. Use Get* for following redirects.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// ErrTimeout is returned if the response wasn't returned during
// the given timeout.
// Immediately returns ErrTimeout if timeout value is negative.
// ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all HostClient.MaxConns connections
// to the host are busy.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func (c *HostClient) DoTimeout(req *Request, resp *Response, timeout time.Duration) error {
	req.timeout = timeout
	if req.timeout <= 0 {
		return ErrTimeout
	return c.Do(req, resp)

// DoDeadline performs the given request and waits for response until
// the given deadline.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// The function doesn't follow redirects. Use Get* for following redirects.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// ErrTimeout is returned if the response wasn't returned until
// the given deadline.
// Immediately returns ErrTimeout if the deadline has already been reached.
// ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all HostClient.MaxConns connections
// to the host are busy.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func (c *HostClient) DoDeadline(req *Request, resp *Response, deadline time.Time) error {
	req.timeout = time.Until(deadline)
	if req.timeout <= 0 {
		return ErrTimeout
	return c.Do(req, resp)

// DoRedirects performs the given http request and fills the given http response,
// following up to maxRedirectsCount redirects. When the redirect count exceeds
// maxRedirectsCount, ErrTooManyRedirects is returned.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// Client determines the server to be requested in the following order:
//   - from RequestURI if it contains full url with scheme and host;
//   - from Host header otherwise.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all DefaultMaxConnsPerHost connections
// to the requested host are busy.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func (c *HostClient) DoRedirects(req *Request, resp *Response, maxRedirectsCount int) error {
	_, _, err := doRequestFollowRedirects(req, resp, req.URI().String(), maxRedirectsCount, c)
	return err

// Do performs the given http request and sets the corresponding response.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// The function doesn't follow redirects. Use Get* for following redirects.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all HostClient.MaxConns connections
// to the host are busy.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func (c *HostClient) Do(req *Request, resp *Response) error {
	var (
		err          error
		retry        bool
		resetTimeout bool
	maxAttempts := c.MaxIdemponentCallAttempts
	if maxAttempts <= 0 {
		maxAttempts = DefaultMaxIdemponentCallAttempts
	attempts := 0
	hasBodyStream := req.IsBodyStream()

	// If a request has a timeout we store the timeout
	// and calculate a deadline so we can keep updating the
	// timeout on each retry.
	deadline := time.Time{}
	timeout := req.timeout
	if timeout > 0 {
		deadline = time.Now().Add(timeout)
	retryFunc := c.RetryIf
	if retryFunc == nil {
		retryFunc = isIdempotent

	atomic.AddInt32(&c.pendingRequests, 1)
	for {
		// If the original timeout was set, we need to update
		// the one set on the request to reflect the remaining time.
		if timeout > 0 {
			req.timeout = time.Until(deadline)
			if req.timeout <= 0 {
				err = ErrTimeout

		retry, err =, resp)
		if err == nil || !retry {

		if hasBodyStream {
		// Path prioritization based on ease of computation

		if attempts >= maxAttempts {
		if c.RetryIfErr != nil {
			resetTimeout, retry = c.RetryIfErr(req, attempts, err)
		} else {
			retry = retryFunc(req)
		if !retry {
		if timeout > 0 && resetTimeout {
			deadline = time.Now().Add(timeout)
	atomic.AddInt32(&c.pendingRequests, -1)

	// Restore the original timeout.
	req.timeout = timeout

	if err == io.EOF {
		err = ErrConnectionClosed
	return err

// PendingRequests returns the current number of requests the client
// is executing.
// This function may be used for balancing load among multiple HostClient
// instances.
func (c *HostClient) PendingRequests() int {
	return int(atomic.LoadInt32(&c.pendingRequests))

func isIdempotent(req *Request) bool {
	return req.Header.IsGet() || req.Header.IsHead() || req.Header.IsPut()

func (c *HostClient) do(req *Request, resp *Response) (bool, error) {
	if resp == nil {
		resp = AcquireResponse()
		defer ReleaseResponse(resp)

	return c.doNonNilReqResp(req, resp)

func (c *HostClient) doNonNilReqResp(req *Request, resp *Response) (bool, error) {
	if req == nil {
		// for debugging purposes
		panic("BUG: req cannot be nil")
	if resp == nil {
		// for debugging purposes
		panic("BUG: resp cannot be nil")

	// Secure header error logs configuration
	resp.secureErrorLogMessage = c.SecureErrorLogMessage
	resp.Header.secureErrorLogMessage = c.SecureErrorLogMessage
	req.secureErrorLogMessage = c.SecureErrorLogMessage
	req.Header.secureErrorLogMessage = c.SecureErrorLogMessage

	if c.IsTLS != req.URI().isHTTPS() {
		return false, ErrHostClientRedirectToDifferentScheme

	atomic.StoreUint32(&c.lastUseTime, uint32(time.Now().Unix()-startTimeUnix)) // #nosec G115

	// Free up resources occupied by response before sending the request,
	// so the GC may reclaim these resources (e.g. response body).

	// backing up SkipBody in case it was set explicitly
	customSkipBody := resp.SkipBody
	customStreamBody := resp.StreamBody || c.StreamResponseBody
	resp.SkipBody = customSkipBody
	resp.StreamBody = customStreamBody

	req.URI().DisablePathNormalizing = c.DisablePathNormalizing

	userAgentOld := req.Header.UserAgent()
	if len(userAgentOld) == 0 {
		userAgent := c.Name
		if userAgent == "" && !c.NoDefaultUserAgentHeader {
			userAgent = defaultUserAgent
		if userAgent != "" {
			req.Header.userAgent = append(req.Header.userAgent[:0], userAgent...)

	return c.transport().RoundTrip(c, req, resp)

func (c *HostClient) transport() RoundTripper {
	if c.Transport == nil {
		return DefaultTransport
	return c.Transport

var (
	// ErrNoFreeConns is returned when no free connections available
	// to the given host.
	// Increase the allowed number of connections per host if you
	// see this error.
	ErrNoFreeConns = errors.New("no free connections available to host")

	// ErrConnectionClosed may be returned from client methods if the server
	// closes connection before returning the first response byte.
	// If you see this error, then either fix the server by returning
	// 'Connection: close' response header before closing the connection
	// or add 'Connection: close' request header before sending requests
	// to broken server.
	ErrConnectionClosed = errors.New("the server closed connection before returning the first response byte. " +
		"Make sure the server returns 'Connection: close' response header before closing the connection")

	// ErrConnPoolStrategyNotImpl is returned when HostClient.ConnPoolStrategy is not implement yet.
	// If you see this error, then you need to check your HostClient configuration.
	ErrConnPoolStrategyNotImpl = errors.New("connection pool strategy is not implement")

type timeoutError struct{}

func (e *timeoutError) Error() string {
	return "timeout"

// Only implement the Timeout() function of the net.Error interface.
// This allows for checks like:
//	if x, ok := err.(interface{ Timeout() bool }); ok && x.Timeout() {
func (e *timeoutError) Timeout() bool {
	return true

// ErrTimeout is returned from timed out calls.
var ErrTimeout = &timeoutError{}

// SetMaxConns sets up the maximum number of connections which may be established to all hosts listed in Addr.
func (c *HostClient) SetMaxConns(newMaxConns int) {
	c.MaxConns = newMaxConns

func (c *HostClient) acquireConn(reqTimeout time.Duration, connectionClose bool) (cc *clientConn, err error) {
	createConn := false
	startCleaner := false

	var n int
	n = len(c.conns)
	if n == 0 {
		maxConns := c.MaxConns
		if maxConns <= 0 {
			maxConns = DefaultMaxConnsPerHost
		if c.connsCount < maxConns {
			createConn = true
			if !c.connsCleanerRun && !connectionClose {
				startCleaner = true
				c.connsCleanerRun = true
	} else {
		switch c.ConnPoolStrategy {
		case LIFO:
			cc = c.conns[n]
			c.conns[n] = nil
			c.conns = c.conns[:n]
		case FIFO:
			cc = c.conns[0]
			copy(c.conns, c.conns[1:])
			c.conns[n-1] = nil
			c.conns = c.conns[:n-1]
			return nil, ErrConnPoolStrategyNotImpl

	if cc != nil {
		return cc, nil
	if !createConn {
		if c.MaxConnWaitTimeout <= 0 {
			return nil, ErrNoFreeConns

		// reqTimeout    c.MaxConnWaitTimeout   wait duration
		//     d1                 d2            min(d1, d2)
		//  0(not set)            d2            d2
		//     d1            0(don't wait)      0(don't wait)
		//  0(not set)            d2            d2
		timeout := c.MaxConnWaitTimeout
		timeoutOverridden := false
		// reqTimeout == 0 means not set
		if reqTimeout > 0 && reqTimeout < timeout {
			timeout = reqTimeout
			timeoutOverridden = true

		// wait for a free connection
		tc := AcquireTimer(timeout)
		defer ReleaseTimer(tc)

		w := &wantConn{
			ready: make(chan struct{}, 1),
		defer func() {
			if err != nil {
				w.cancel(c, err)


		select {
		case <-w.ready:
			return w.conn, w.err
		case <-tc.C:
			if timeoutOverridden {
				return nil, ErrTimeout
			return nil, ErrNoFreeConns

	if startCleaner {
		go c.connsCleaner()

	conn, err := c.dialHostHard(reqTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	cc = acquireClientConn(conn)

	return cc, nil

func (c *HostClient) queueForIdle(w *wantConn) {
	defer c.connsLock.Unlock()
	if c.connsWait == nil {
		c.connsWait = &wantConnQueue{}

func (c *HostClient) dialConnFor(w *wantConn) {
	conn, err := c.dialHostHard(0)
	if err != nil {
		w.tryDeliver(nil, err)

	cc := acquireClientConn(conn)
	if !w.tryDeliver(cc, nil) {
		// not delivered, return idle connection

// CloseIdleConnections closes any connections which were previously
// connected from previous requests but are now sitting idle in a
// "keep-alive" state. It does not interrupt any connections currently
// in use.
func (c *HostClient) CloseIdleConnections() {
	scratch := append([]*clientConn{}, c.conns...)
	for i := range c.conns {
		c.conns[i] = nil
	c.conns = c.conns[:0]

	for _, cc := range scratch {

func (c *HostClient) connsCleaner() {
	var (
		scratch             []*clientConn
		maxIdleConnDuration = c.MaxIdleConnDuration
	if maxIdleConnDuration <= 0 {
		maxIdleConnDuration = DefaultMaxIdleConnDuration
	for {
		currentTime := time.Now()

		// Determine idle connections to be closed.
		conns := c.conns
		n := len(conns)
		i := 0
		for i < n && currentTime.Sub(conns[i].lastUseTime) > maxIdleConnDuration {
		sleepFor := maxIdleConnDuration
		if i < n {
			// + 1 so we actually sleep past the expiration time and not up to it.
			// Otherwise the > check above would still fail.
			sleepFor = maxIdleConnDuration - currentTime.Sub(conns[i].lastUseTime) + 1
		scratch = append(scratch[:0], conns[:i]...)
		if i > 0 {
			m := copy(conns, conns[i:])
			for i = m; i < n; i++ {
				conns[i] = nil
			c.conns = conns[:m]

		// Close idle connections.
		for i, cc := range scratch {
			scratch[i] = nil

		// Determine whether to stop the connsCleaner.
		mustStop := c.connsCount == 0
		if mustStop {
			c.connsCleanerRun = false
		if mustStop {


func (c *HostClient) closeConn(cc *clientConn) {

func (c *HostClient) decConnsCount() {
	if c.MaxConnWaitTimeout <= 0 {

	defer c.connsLock.Unlock()
	dialed := false
	if q := c.connsWait; q != nil && q.len() > 0 {
		for q.len() > 0 {
			w := q.popFront()
			if w.waiting() {
				go c.dialConnFor(w)
				dialed = true
	if !dialed {

// ConnsCount returns connection count of HostClient.
func (c *HostClient) ConnsCount() int {
	defer c.connsLock.Unlock()

	return c.connsCount

func acquireClientConn(conn net.Conn) *clientConn {
	v := clientConnPool.Get()
	if v == nil {
		v = &clientConn{}
	cc := v.(*clientConn)
	cc.c = conn
	cc.createdTime = time.Now()
	return cc

func releaseClientConn(cc *clientConn) {
	// Reset all fields.
	*cc = clientConn{}

var clientConnPool sync.Pool

func (c *HostClient) releaseConn(cc *clientConn) {
	cc.lastUseTime = time.Now()
	if c.MaxConnWaitTimeout <= 0 {
		c.conns = append(c.conns, cc)

	// try to deliver an idle connection to a *wantConn
	defer c.connsLock.Unlock()
	delivered := false
	if q := c.connsWait; q != nil && q.len() > 0 {
		for q.len() > 0 {
			w := q.popFront()
			if w.waiting() {
				delivered = w.tryDeliver(cc, nil)
				// This is the last resort to hand over conCount sema.
				// We must ensure that there are no valid waiters in connsWait
				// when we exit this loop.
				// We did not apply the same looping pattern in the decConnsCount
				// method because it needs to create a new time-spent connection,
				// and the decConnsCount call chain will inevitably reach this point.
				// When MaxConnWaitTimeout>0.
				if delivered {
	if !delivered {
		c.conns = append(c.conns, cc)

func (c *HostClient) acquireWriter(conn net.Conn) *bufio.Writer {
	var v any
	if c.clientWriterPool != nil {
		v = c.clientWriterPool.Get()
		if v == nil {
			n := c.WriteBufferSize
			if n <= 0 {
				n = defaultWriteBufferSize
			return bufio.NewWriterSize(conn, n)
	} else {
		v = c.writerPool.Get()
		if v == nil {
			n := c.WriteBufferSize
			if n <= 0 {
				n = defaultWriteBufferSize
			return bufio.NewWriterSize(conn, n)

	bw := v.(*bufio.Writer)
	return bw

func (c *HostClient) releaseWriter(bw *bufio.Writer) {
	if c.clientWriterPool != nil {
	} else {

func (c *HostClient) acquireReader(conn net.Conn) *bufio.Reader {
	var v any
	if c.clientReaderPool != nil {
		v = c.clientReaderPool.Get()
		if v == nil {
			n := c.ReadBufferSize
			if n <= 0 {
				n = defaultReadBufferSize
			return bufio.NewReaderSize(conn, n)
	} else {
		v = c.readerPool.Get()
		if v == nil {
			n := c.ReadBufferSize
			if n <= 0 {
				n = defaultReadBufferSize
			return bufio.NewReaderSize(conn, n)

	br := v.(*bufio.Reader)
	return br

func (c *HostClient) releaseReader(br *bufio.Reader) {
	if c.clientReaderPool != nil {
	} else {

func newClientTLSConfig(c *tls.Config, addr string) *tls.Config {
	if c == nil {
		c = &tls.Config{}
	} else {
		c = c.Clone()

	if c.ServerName == "" {
		serverName := tlsServerName(addr)
		if serverName == "*" {
			c.InsecureSkipVerify = true
		} else {
			c.ServerName = serverName
	return c

func tlsServerName(addr string) string {
	if !strings.Contains(addr, ":") {
		return addr
	host, _, err := net.SplitHostPort(addr)
	if err != nil {
		return "*"
	return host

func (c *HostClient) nextAddr() string {
	if c.addrs == nil {
		c.addrs = strings.Split(c.Addr, ",")
	addr := c.addrs[0]
	if len(c.addrs) > 1 {
		addr = c.addrs[c.addrIdx%uint32(len(c.addrs))] // #nosec G115
	return addr

func (c *HostClient) dialHostHard(dialTimeout time.Duration) (conn net.Conn, err error) {
	// use dialTimeout to control the timeout of each dial. It does not work if dialTimeout is 0 or if
	// c.DialTimeout has not been set and c.Dial has been set.
	// attempt to dial all the available hosts before giving up.

	n := len(c.addrs)

	if n == 0 {
		// It looks like c.addrs isn't initialized yet.
		n = 1

	timeout := c.ReadTimeout + c.WriteTimeout
	if timeout <= 0 {
		timeout = DefaultDialTimeout
	deadline := time.Now().Add(timeout)
	for n > 0 {
		addr := c.nextAddr()
		tlsConfig := c.cachedTLSConfig(addr)
		conn, err = dialAddr(addr, c.Dial, c.DialTimeout, c.DialDualStack, c.IsTLS, tlsConfig, dialTimeout, c.WriteTimeout)
		if err == nil {
			return conn, nil
		if time.Since(deadline) >= 0 {
	return nil, err

func (c *HostClient) cachedTLSConfig(addr string) *tls.Config {
	if !c.IsTLS {
		return nil

	if c.tlsConfigMap == nil {
		c.tlsConfigMap = make(map[string]*tls.Config)
	cfg := c.tlsConfigMap[addr]
	if cfg == nil {
		cfg = newClientTLSConfig(c.TLSConfig, addr)
		c.tlsConfigMap[addr] = cfg

	return cfg

// ErrTLSHandshakeTimeout indicates there is a timeout from tls handshake.
var ErrTLSHandshakeTimeout = errors.New("tls handshake timed out")

func tlsClientHandshake(rawConn net.Conn, tlsConfig *tls.Config, deadline time.Time) (_ net.Conn, retErr error) {
	defer func() {
		if retErr != nil {
	conn := tls.Client(rawConn, tlsConfig)
	err := conn.SetDeadline(deadline)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	err = conn.Handshake()
	if netErr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && netErr.Timeout() {
		return nil, ErrTLSHandshakeTimeout
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	err = conn.SetDeadline(time.Time{})
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return conn, nil

func dialAddr(
	addr string, dial DialFunc, dialWithTimeout DialFuncWithTimeout, dialDualStack, isTLS bool,
	tlsConfig *tls.Config, dialTimeout, writeTimeout time.Duration,
) (net.Conn, error) {
	deadline := time.Now().Add(writeTimeout)
	conn, err := callDialFunc(addr, dial, dialWithTimeout, dialDualStack, isTLS, dialTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	if conn == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("dialling unsuccessful. Please report this bug")

	// We assume that any conn that has the Handshake() method is a TLS conn already.
	// This doesn't cover just tls.Conn but also other TLS implementations.
	_, isTLSAlready := conn.(interface{ Handshake() error })

	if isTLS && !isTLSAlready {
		if writeTimeout == 0 {
			return tls.Client(conn, tlsConfig), nil
		return tlsClientHandshake(conn, tlsConfig, deadline)
	return conn, nil

func callDialFunc(
	addr string, dial DialFunc, dialWithTimeout DialFuncWithTimeout, dialDualStack, isTLS bool, timeout time.Duration,
) (net.Conn, error) {
	if dialWithTimeout != nil {
		return dialWithTimeout(addr, timeout)
	if dial != nil {
		return dial(addr)
	addr = AddMissingPort(addr, isTLS)
	if timeout > 0 {
		if dialDualStack {
			return DialDualStackTimeout(addr, timeout)
		return DialTimeout(addr, timeout)
	if dialDualStack {
		return DialDualStack(addr)
	return Dial(addr)

// AddMissingPort adds a port to a host if it is missing.
// A literal IPv6 address in hostport must be enclosed in square
// brackets, as in "[::1]:80", "[::1%lo0]:80".
func AddMissingPort(addr string, isTLS bool) string {
	addrLen := len(addr)
	if addrLen == 0 {
		return addr

	isIP6 := addr[0] == '['
	if isIP6 {
		// if the IPv6 has opening bracket but closing bracket is the last char then it doesn't have a port
		isIP6WithoutPort := addr[addrLen-1] == ']'
		if !isIP6WithoutPort {
			return addr
	} else { // IPv4
		columnPos := strings.LastIndexByte(addr, ':')
		if columnPos > 0 {
			return addr
	port := ":80"
	if isTLS {
		port = ":443"
	return addr + port

// A wantConn records state about a wanted connection
// (that is, an active call to getConn).
// The conn may be gotten by dialing or by finding an idle connection,
// or a cancellation may make the conn no longer wanted.
// These three options are racing against each other and use
// wantConn to coordinate and agree about the winning outcome.
// Inspired by net/http/transport.go.
type wantConn struct {
	err   error
	ready chan struct{}
	conn  *clientConn
	mu    sync.Mutex // protects conn, err, close(ready)

// waiting reports whether w is still waiting for an answer (connection or error).
func (w *wantConn) waiting() bool {
	select {
	case <-w.ready:
		return false
		return true

// tryDeliver attempts to deliver conn, err to w and reports whether it succeeded.
func (w *wantConn) tryDeliver(conn *clientConn, err error) bool {

	if w.conn != nil || w.err != nil {
		return false
	w.conn = conn
	w.err = err
	if w.conn == nil && w.err == nil {
		panic("fasthttp: internal error: misuse of tryDeliver")
	return true

// cancel marks w as no longer wanting a result (for example, due to cancellation).
// If a connection has been delivered already, cancel returns it with c.releaseConn.
func (w *wantConn) cancel(c *HostClient, err error) {
	if w.conn == nil && w.err == nil {
		close(w.ready) // catch misbehavior in future delivery

	conn := w.conn
	w.conn = nil
	w.err = err

	if conn != nil {

// A wantConnQueue is a queue of wantConns.
// Inspired by net/http/transport.go.
type wantConnQueue struct {
	// This is a queue, not a dequeue.
	// It is split into two stages - head[headPos:] and tail.
	// popFront is trivial (headPos++) on the first stage, and
	// pushBack is trivial (append) on the second stage.
	// If the first stage is empty, popFront can swap the
	// first and second stages to remedy the situation.
	// This two-stage split is analogous to the use of two lists
	// in Okasaki's purely functional queue but without the
	// overhead of reversing the list when swapping stages.
	head    []*wantConn
	tail    []*wantConn
	headPos int
	// failedWaiters is the number of waiters in the head or tail queue,
	// but is invalid.
	// These state waiters cannot truly be considered as waiters; the current
	// implementation does not immediately remove them when they become
	// invalid but instead only marks them.
	failedWaiters atomic.Int64

// len returns the number of items in the queue.
func (q *wantConnQueue) len() int {
	return len(q.head) - q.headPos + len(q.tail) - int(q.failedWaiters.Load())

// pushBack adds w to the back of the queue.
func (q *wantConnQueue) pushBack(w *wantConn) {
	q.tail = append(q.tail, w)

// popFront removes and returns the wantConn at the front of the queue.
func (q *wantConnQueue) popFront() *wantConn {
	if q.headPos >= len(q.head) {
		if len(q.tail) == 0 {
			return nil
		// Pick up tail as new head, clear tail.
		q.head, q.headPos, q.tail = q.tail, 0, q.head[:0]

	w := q.head[q.headPos]
	q.head[q.headPos] = nil
	return w

// peekFront returns the wantConn at the front of the queue without removing it.
func (q *wantConnQueue) peekFront() *wantConn {
	if q.headPos < len(q.head) {
		return q.head[q.headPos]
	if len(q.tail) > 0 {
		return q.tail[0]
	return nil

// clearFront pops any wantConns that are no longer waiting from the head of the
// queue, reporting whether any were popped.
func (q *wantConnQueue) clearFront() (cleaned bool) {
	for {
		w := q.peekFront()
		if w == nil || w.waiting() {
			return cleaned
		cleaned = true

// PipelineClient pipelines requests over a limited set of concurrent
// connections to the given Addr.
// This client may be used in highly loaded HTTP-based RPC systems for reducing
// context switches and network level overhead.
// See for details.
// It is forbidden copying PipelineClient instances. Create new instances
// instead.
// It is safe calling PipelineClient methods from concurrently running
// goroutines.
type PipelineClient struct {
	noCopy noCopy

	// Logger for logging client errors.
	// By default standard logger from log package is used.
	Logger Logger

	// Callback for connection establishing to the host.
	// Default Dial is used if not set.
	Dial DialFunc

	// Optional TLS config.
	TLSConfig *tls.Config

	// Address of the host to connect to.
	Addr string

	// PipelineClient name. Used in User-Agent request header.
	Name string

	connClients []*pipelineConnClient

	// The maximum number of concurrent connections to the Addr.
	// A single connection is used by default.
	MaxConns int

	// The maximum number of pending pipelined requests over
	// a single connection to Addr.
	// DefaultMaxPendingRequests is used by default.
	MaxPendingRequests int

	// The maximum delay before sending pipelined requests as a batch
	// to the server.
	// By default requests are sent immediately to the server.
	MaxBatchDelay time.Duration

	// Idle connection to the host is closed after this duration.
	// By default idle connection is closed after
	// DefaultMaxIdleConnDuration.
	MaxIdleConnDuration time.Duration

	// Buffer size for responses' reading.
	// This also limits the maximum header size.
	// Default buffer size is used if 0.
	ReadBufferSize int

	// Buffer size for requests' writing.
	// Default buffer size is used if 0.
	WriteBufferSize int

	// Maximum duration for full response reading (including body).
	// By default response read timeout is unlimited.
	ReadTimeout time.Duration

	// Maximum duration for full request writing (including body).
	// By default request write timeout is unlimited.
	WriteTimeout time.Duration

	connClientsLock sync.Mutex

	// NoDefaultUserAgentHeader when set to true, causes the default
	// User-Agent header to be excluded from the Request.
	NoDefaultUserAgentHeader bool

	// Attempt to connect to both ipv4 and ipv6 host addresses
	// if set to true.
	// This option is used only if default TCP dialer is used,
	// i.e. if Dial is blank.
	// By default client connects only to ipv4 addresses,
	// since unfortunately ipv6 remains broken in many networks worldwide :)
	DialDualStack bool

	// Response header names are passed as-is without normalization
	// if this option is set.
	// Disabled header names' normalization may be useful only for proxying
	// responses to other clients expecting case-sensitive
	// header names. See
	// for details.
	// By default request and response header names are normalized, i.e.
	// The first letter and the first letters following dashes
	// are uppercased, while all the other letters are lowercased.
	// Examples:
	//     * HOST -> Host
	//     * content-type -> Content-Type
	//     * cONTENT-lenGTH -> Content-Length
	DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing bool

	// Path values are sent as-is without normalization
	// Disabled path normalization may be useful for proxying incoming requests
	// to servers that are expecting paths to be forwarded as-is.
	// By default path values are normalized, i.e.
	// extra slashes are removed, special characters are encoded.
	DisablePathNormalizing bool

	// Whether to use TLS (aka SSL or HTTPS) for host connections.
	IsTLS bool

type pipelineConnClient struct {
	noCopy noCopy

	workPool sync.Pool

	Logger Logger

	Dial      DialFunc
	TLSConfig *tls.Config
	chW       chan *pipelineWork
	chR       chan *pipelineWork

	tlsConfig *tls.Config

	Addr                string
	Name                string
	MaxPendingRequests  int
	MaxBatchDelay       time.Duration
	MaxIdleConnDuration time.Duration
	ReadBufferSize      int
	WriteBufferSize     int
	ReadTimeout         time.Duration
	WriteTimeout        time.Duration

	chLock sync.Mutex

	tlsConfigLock                 sync.Mutex
	NoDefaultUserAgentHeader      bool
	DialDualStack                 bool
	DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing bool
	DisablePathNormalizing        bool
	IsTLS                         bool

type pipelineWork struct {
	respCopy Response
	deadline time.Time
	err      error
	req      *Request
	resp     *Response
	t        *time.Timer
	done     chan struct{}
	reqCopy  Request

// DoTimeout performs the given request and waits for response during
// the given timeout duration.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// The function doesn't follow redirects.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// ErrTimeout is returned if the response wasn't returned during
// the given timeout.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func (c *PipelineClient) DoTimeout(req *Request, resp *Response, timeout time.Duration) error {
	return c.DoDeadline(req, resp, time.Now().Add(timeout))

// DoDeadline performs the given request and waits for response until
// the given deadline.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// The function doesn't follow redirects.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// ErrTimeout is returned if the response wasn't returned until
// the given deadline.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func (c *PipelineClient) DoDeadline(req *Request, resp *Response, deadline time.Time) error {
	return c.getConnClient().DoDeadline(req, resp, deadline)

func (c *pipelineConnClient) DoDeadline(req *Request, resp *Response, deadline time.Time) error {

	timeout := time.Until(deadline)
	if timeout <= 0 {
		return ErrTimeout

	if c.DisablePathNormalizing {
		req.URI().DisablePathNormalizing = true

	userAgentOld := req.Header.UserAgent()
	if len(userAgentOld) == 0 {
		userAgent := c.Name
		if userAgent == "" && !c.NoDefaultUserAgentHeader {
			userAgent = defaultUserAgent
		if userAgent != "" {
			req.Header.userAgent = append(req.Header.userAgent[:0], userAgent...)

	w := c.acquirePipelineWork(timeout)
	w.respCopy.Header.disableNormalizing = c.DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing
	w.req = &w.reqCopy
	w.resp = &w.respCopy

	// Make a copy of the request in order to avoid data races on timeouts
	swapRequestBody(req, &w.reqCopy)

	// Put the request to outgoing queue
	select {
	case c.chW <- w:
		// Fast path: len( < cap(
		// Slow path
		select {
		case c.chW <- w:
		case <-w.t.C:
			return ErrTimeout

	// Wait for the response
	var err error
	select {
	case <-w.done:
		if resp != nil {
			swapResponseBody(resp, &w.respCopy)
		err = w.err
	case <-w.t.C:
		err = ErrTimeout

	return err

func (c *pipelineConnClient) acquirePipelineWork(timeout time.Duration) (w *pipelineWork) {
	v := c.workPool.Get()
	if v != nil {
		w = v.(*pipelineWork)
	} else {
		w = &pipelineWork{
			done: make(chan struct{}, 1),
	if timeout > 0 {
		if w.t == nil {
			w.t = time.NewTimer(timeout)
		} else {
		w.deadline = time.Now().Add(timeout)
	} else {
		w.deadline = zeroTime
	return w

func (c *pipelineConnClient) releasePipelineWork(w *pipelineWork) {
	if w.t != nil {
	w.req = nil
	w.resp = nil
	w.err = nil

// Do performs the given http request and sets the corresponding response.
// Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including
// scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI.
// The function doesn't follow redirects. Use Get* for following redirects.
// Response is ignored if resp is nil.
// It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest
// and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code.
func (c *PipelineClient) Do(req *Request, resp *Response) error {
	return c.getConnClient().Do(req, resp)

func (c *pipelineConnClient) Do(req *Request, resp *Response) error {

	if c.DisablePathNormalizing {
		req.URI().DisablePathNormalizing = true

	userAgentOld := req.Header.UserAgent()
	if len(userAgentOld) == 0 {
		userAgent := c.Name
		if userAgent == "" && !c.NoDefaultUserAgentHeader {
			userAgent = defaultUserAgent
		if userAgent != "" {
			req.Header.userAgent = append(req.Header.userAgent[:0], userAgent...)

	w := c.acquirePipelineWork(0)
	w.req = req
	if resp != nil {
		resp.Header.disableNormalizing = c.DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing
		w.resp = resp
	} else {
		w.resp = &w.respCopy

	// Put the request to outgoing queue
	select {
	case c.chW <- w:
		// Try substituting the oldest w with the current one.
		select {
		case wOld := <-c.chW:
			wOld.err = ErrPipelineOverflow
			wOld.done <- struct{}{}
		select {
		case c.chW <- w:
			return ErrPipelineOverflow

	// Wait for the response
	err := w.err


	return err

func (c *PipelineClient) getConnClient() *pipelineConnClient {
	cc := c.getConnClientUnlocked()
	return cc

func (c *PipelineClient) getConnClientUnlocked() *pipelineConnClient {
	if len(c.connClients) == 0 {
		return c.newConnClient()

	// Return the client with the minimum number of pending requests.
	minCC := c.connClients[0]
	minReqs := minCC.PendingRequests()
	if minReqs == 0 {
		return minCC
	for i := 1; i < len(c.connClients); i++ {
		cc := c.connClients[i]
		reqs := cc.PendingRequests()
		if reqs == 0 {
			return cc
		if reqs < minReqs {
			minCC = cc
			minReqs = reqs

	maxConns := c.MaxConns
	if maxConns <= 0 {
		maxConns = 1
	if len(c.connClients) < maxConns {
		return c.newConnClient()
	return minCC

func (c *PipelineClient) newConnClient() *pipelineConnClient {
	cc := &pipelineConnClient{
		Addr:                          c.Addr,
		Name:                          c.Name,
		NoDefaultUserAgentHeader:      c.NoDefaultUserAgentHeader,
		MaxPendingRequests:            c.MaxPendingRequests,
		MaxBatchDelay:                 c.MaxBatchDelay,
		Dial:                          c.Dial,
		DialDualStack:                 c.DialDualStack,
		DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing: c.DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing,
		DisablePathNormalizing:        c.DisablePathNormalizing,
		IsTLS:                         c.IsTLS,
		TLSConfig:                     c.TLSConfig,
		MaxIdleConnDuration:           c.MaxIdleConnDuration,
		ReadBufferSize:                c.ReadBufferSize,
		WriteBufferSize:               c.WriteBufferSize,
		ReadTimeout:                   c.ReadTimeout,
		WriteTimeout:                  c.WriteTimeout,
		Logger:                        c.Logger,
	c.connClients = append(c.connClients, cc)
	return cc

// ErrPipelineOverflow may be returned from PipelineClient.Do*
// if the requests' queue is overflowed.
var ErrPipelineOverflow = errors.New("pipelined requests' queue has been overflowed. Increase MaxConns and/or MaxPendingRequests")

// DefaultMaxPendingRequests is the default value
// for PipelineClient.MaxPendingRequests.
const DefaultMaxPendingRequests = 1024

func (c *pipelineConnClient) init() {
	if c.chR == nil {
		maxPendingRequests := c.MaxPendingRequests
		if maxPendingRequests <= 0 {
			maxPendingRequests = DefaultMaxPendingRequests
		c.chR = make(chan *pipelineWork, maxPendingRequests)
		if c.chW == nil {
			c.chW = make(chan *pipelineWork, maxPendingRequests)
		go func() {
			// Keep restarting the worker if it fails (connection errors for example).
			for {
				if err := c.worker(); err != nil {
					c.logger().Printf("error in PipelineClient(%q): %v", c.Addr, err)
					if netErr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && netErr.Timeout() {
						// Throttle client reconnections on timeout errors
				} else {
					stop := len(c.chR) == 0 && len(c.chW) == 0
					if !stop {
						c.chR = nil
						c.chW = nil

					if stop {

func (c *pipelineConnClient) worker() error {
	tlsConfig := c.cachedTLSConfig()
	conn, err := dialAddr(c.Addr, c.Dial, nil, c.DialDualStack, c.IsTLS, tlsConfig, 0, c.WriteTimeout)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Start reader and writer
	stopW := make(chan struct{})
	doneW := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		doneW <- c.writer(conn, stopW)
	stopR := make(chan struct{})
	doneR := make(chan error)
	go func() {
		doneR <- c.reader(conn, stopR)

	// Wait until reader and writer are stopped
	select {
	case err = <-doneW:
	case err = <-doneR:

	// Notify pending readers
	for len(c.chR) > 0 {
		w := <-c.chR
		w.err = errPipelineConnStopped
		w.done <- struct{}{}

	return err

func (c *pipelineConnClient) cachedTLSConfig() *tls.Config {
	if !c.IsTLS {
		return nil

	cfg := c.tlsConfig
	if cfg == nil {
		cfg = newClientTLSConfig(c.TLSConfig, c.Addr)
		c.tlsConfig = cfg

	return cfg

func (c *pipelineConnClient) writer(conn net.Conn, stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
	writeBufferSize := c.WriteBufferSize
	if writeBufferSize <= 0 {
		writeBufferSize = defaultWriteBufferSize
	bw := bufio.NewWriterSize(conn, writeBufferSize)
	defer bw.Flush()
	chR := c.chR
	chW := c.chW
	writeTimeout := c.WriteTimeout

	maxIdleConnDuration := c.MaxIdleConnDuration
	if maxIdleConnDuration <= 0 {
		maxIdleConnDuration = DefaultMaxIdleConnDuration
	maxBatchDelay := c.MaxBatchDelay

	var (
		stopTimer      = time.NewTimer(time.Hour)
		flushTimer     = time.NewTimer(time.Hour)
		flushTimerCh   <-chan time.Time
		instantTimerCh = make(chan time.Time)

		w   *pipelineWork
		err error
	for {
		select {
		case w = <-chW:
			// Fast path: len(chW) > 0
			// Slow path
			select {
			case w = <-chW:
			case <-stopTimer.C:
				return nil
			case <-stopCh:
				return nil
			case <-flushTimerCh:
				if err = bw.Flush(); err != nil {
					return err
				flushTimerCh = nil
				goto againChW

		if !w.deadline.IsZero() && time.Since(w.deadline) >= 0 {
			w.err = ErrTimeout
			w.done <- struct{}{}


		if writeTimeout > 0 {
			// Set Deadline every time, since golang has fixed the performance issue
			// See for details
			currentTime := time.Now()
			if err = conn.SetWriteDeadline(currentTime.Add(writeTimeout)); err != nil {
				w.err = err
				w.done <- struct{}{}
				return err
		if err = w.req.Write(bw); err != nil {
			w.err = err
			w.done <- struct{}{}
			return err
		if flushTimerCh == nil && (len(chW) == 0 || len(chR) == cap(chR)) {
			if maxBatchDelay > 0 {
				flushTimerCh = flushTimer.C
			} else {
				flushTimerCh = instantTimerCh

		select {
		case chR <- w:
			// Fast path: len(chR) < cap(chR)
			// Slow path
			select {
			case chR <- w:
			case <-stopCh:
				w.err = errPipelineConnStopped
				w.done <- struct{}{}
				return nil
			case <-flushTimerCh:
				if err = bw.Flush(); err != nil {
					w.err = err
					w.done <- struct{}{}
					return err
				flushTimerCh = nil
				goto againChR

func (c *pipelineConnClient) reader(conn net.Conn, stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
	readBufferSize := c.ReadBufferSize
	if readBufferSize <= 0 {
		readBufferSize = defaultReadBufferSize
	br := bufio.NewReaderSize(conn, readBufferSize)
	chR := c.chR
	readTimeout := c.ReadTimeout

	var (
		w   *pipelineWork
		err error
	for {
		select {
		case w = <-chR:
			// Fast path: len(chR) > 0
			// Slow path
			select {
			case w = <-chR:
			case <-stopCh:
				return nil

		if readTimeout > 0 {
			// Set Deadline every time, since golang has fixed the performance issue
			// See for details
			currentTime := time.Now()
			if err = conn.SetReadDeadline(currentTime.Add(readTimeout)); err != nil {
				w.err = err
				w.done <- struct{}{}
				return err
		if err = w.resp.Read(br); err != nil {
			w.err = err
			w.done <- struct{}{}
			return err

		w.done <- struct{}{}

func (c *pipelineConnClient) logger() Logger {
	if c.Logger != nil {
		return c.Logger
	return defaultLogger

// PendingRequests returns the current number of pending requests pipelined
// to the server.
// This number may exceed MaxPendingRequests*MaxConns by up to two times, since
// each connection to the server may keep up to MaxPendingRequests requests
// in the queue before sending them to the server.
// This function may be used for balancing load among multiple PipelineClient
// instances.
func (c *PipelineClient) PendingRequests() int {
	n := 0
	for _, cc := range c.connClients {
		n += cc.PendingRequests()
	return n

func (c *pipelineConnClient) PendingRequests() int {

	n := len(c.chR) + len(c.chW)
	return n

var errPipelineConnStopped = errors.New("pipeline connection has been stopped")

var DefaultTransport RoundTripper = &transport{}

type transport struct{}

func (t *transport) RoundTrip(hc *HostClient, req *Request, resp *Response) (retry bool, err error) {
	customSkipBody := resp.SkipBody
	customStreamBody := resp.StreamBody

	var deadline time.Time
	if req.timeout > 0 {
		deadline = time.Now().Add(req.timeout)

	cc, err := hc.acquireConn(req.timeout, req.ConnectionClose())
	if err != nil {
		return false, err
	conn := cc.c


	writeDeadline := deadline
	if hc.WriteTimeout > 0 {
		tmpWriteDeadline := time.Now().Add(hc.WriteTimeout)
		if writeDeadline.IsZero() || tmpWriteDeadline.Before(writeDeadline) {
			writeDeadline = tmpWriteDeadline

	if err = conn.SetWriteDeadline(writeDeadline); err != nil {
		return true, err

	resetConnection := false
	if hc.MaxConnDuration > 0 && time.Since(cc.createdTime) > hc.MaxConnDuration && !req.ConnectionClose() {
		resetConnection = true

	bw := hc.acquireWriter(conn)
	err = req.Write(bw)

	if resetConnection {

	if err == nil {
		err = bw.Flush()

	// Return ErrTimeout on any timeout.
	if x, ok := err.(interface{ Timeout() bool }); ok && x.Timeout() {
		err = ErrTimeout

	if err != nil {
		return true, err

	readDeadline := deadline
	if hc.ReadTimeout > 0 {
		tmpReadDeadline := time.Now().Add(hc.ReadTimeout)
		if readDeadline.IsZero() || tmpReadDeadline.Before(readDeadline) {
			readDeadline = tmpReadDeadline

	if err = conn.SetReadDeadline(readDeadline); err != nil {
		return true, err

	if customSkipBody || req.Header.IsHead() {
		resp.SkipBody = true
	if hc.DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing {

	br := hc.acquireReader(conn)
	err = resp.ReadLimitBody(br, hc.MaxResponseBodySize)
	if err != nil {
		// Don't retry in case of ErrBodyTooLarge since we will just get the same again.
		needRetry := err != ErrBodyTooLarge
		return needRetry, err

	closeConn := resetConnection || req.ConnectionClose() || resp.ConnectionClose()
	if customStreamBody && resp.bodyStream != nil {
		rbs := resp.bodyStream
		resp.bodyStream = newCloseReaderWithError(rbs, func(wErr error) error {
			if r, ok := rbs.(*requestStream); ok {
			if closeConn || resp.ConnectionClose() || wErr != nil {
			} else {
			return nil
		return false, nil

	if closeConn {
	} else {
	return false, nil