### TL;DR We use a simplified version of [Golang Security Policy](https://golang.org/security). For example, for now we skip CVE assignment. ### Reporting a Security Bug Please report to us any issues you find. This document explains how to do that and what to expect in return. All security bugs in our releases should be reported by email to oss-security@highload.solutions. This mail is delivered to a small security team. Your email will be acknowledged within 24 hours, and you'll receive a more detailed response to your email within 72 hours indicating the next steps in handling your report. For critical problems, you can encrypt your report using our PGP key (listed below). Please use a descriptive subject line for your report email. After the initial reply to your report, the security team will endeavor to keep you informed of the progress being made towards a fix and full announcement. These updates will be sent at least every five days. In reality, this is more likely to be every 24-48 hours. If you have not received a reply to your email within 48 hours or you have not heard from the security team for the past five days please contact us by email to developers@highload.solutions or by Telegram message to [our support](https://t.me/highload_support). Please note that developers@highload.solutions list includes all developers, who may be outside our opensource security team. When escalating on this list, please do not disclose the details of the issue. Simply state that you're trying to reach a member of the security team. ### Flagging Existing Issues as Security-related If you believe that an existing issue is security-related, we ask that you send an email to oss-security@highload.solutions. The email should include the issue ID and a short description of why it should be handled according to this security policy. ### Disclosure Process Our project uses the following disclosure process: - Once the security report is received it is assigned a primary handler. This person coordinates the fix and release process. - The issue is confirmed and a list of affected software is determined. - Code is audited to find any potential similar problems. - Fixes are prepared for the two most recent major releases and the head/master revision. These fixes are not yet committed to the public repository. - To notify users, a new issue without security details is submitted to our GitHub repository. - Three working days following this notification, the fixes are applied to the public repository and a new release is issued. - On the date that the fixes are applied, announcement is published in the issue. This process can take some time, especially when coordination is required with maintainers of other projects. Every effort will be made to handle the bug in as timely a manner as possible, however it's important that we follow the process described above to ensure that disclosures are handled consistently. ### Receiving Security Updates The best way to receive security announcements is to subscribe ("Watch") to our repository. Any GitHub issues pertaining to a security issue will be prefixed with [security]. ### Comments on This Policy If you have any suggestions to improve this policy, please send an email to oss-security@highload.solutions for discussion. ### PGP Key for oss-security@highload.solutions We accept PGP-encrypted email, but the majority of the security team are not regular PGP users so it's somewhat inconvenient. Please only use PGP for critical security reports. ``` -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQINBFzdjYUBEACa3YN+QVSlnXofUjxr+YrmIaF+da0IUq+TRM4aqUXALsemEdGh yIl7Z6qOOy1d2kPe6t//H9l/92lJ1X7i6aEBK4n/pnPZkwbpy9gGpebgvTZFvcbe mFhF6k1FM35D8TxneJSjizPyGhJPqcr5qccqf8R64TlQx5Ud1JqT2l8P1C5N7gNS lEYXq1h4zBCvTWk1wdeLRRPx7Bn6xrgmyu/k61dLoJDvpvWNATVFDA67oTrPgzTW xtLbbk/xm0mK4a8zMzIpNyz1WkaJW9+4HFXaL+yKlsx7iHe2O7VlGoqS0kdeQup4 1HIw/P7yc0jBlNMLUzpuA6ElYUwESWsnCI71YY1x4rKgI+GqH1mWwgn7tteuXQtb Zj0vEdjK3IKIOSbzbzAvSbDt8F1+o7EMtdy1eUysjKSQgFkDlT6JRmYvEup5/IoG iknh/InQq9RmGFKii6pXWWoltC0ebfCwYOXvymyDdr/hYDqJeHS9Tenpy86Doaaf HGf5nIFAMB2G5ctNpBwzNXR2MAWkeHQgdr5a1xmog0hS125usjnUTet3QeCyo4kd gVouoOroMcqFFUXdYaMH4c3KWz0afhTmIaAsFFOv/eMdadVA4QyExTJf3TAoQ+kH lKDlbOAIxEZWRPDFxMRixaVPQC+VxhBcaQ+yNoaUkM0V2m8u8sDBpzi1OQARAQAB tDxPU1MgU2VjdXJpdHksIEhpZ2hsb2FkIExURCA8b3NzLXNlY3VyaXR5QGhpZ2hs b2FkLnNvbHV0aW9ucz6JAlQEEwEIAD4WIQRljYp380uKq2g8TeqsQcvu+Qp2TAUC XN2NhQIbAwUJB4YfgAULCQgHAgYVCgkICwIEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRCsQcvu+Qp2 TKmED/96YoQoOjD28blFFrigvAsiNcNNZoX9I0dX1lNpD83fBJf+/9i+x4jqUnI5 5XK/DFTDbhpw8kQBpxS9eEuIYnuo0RdLLp1ctNWTlpwfyHn92mGddl/uBdYHUuUk cjhIQcFaCcWRY+EpamDlv1wmZ83IwBr8Hu5FS+/Msyw1TBvtTRVKW1KoGYMYoXLk BzIglRPwn821B6s4BvK/RJnZkrmHMBZBfYMf+iSMSYd2yPmfT8wbcAjgjLfQa28U gbt4u9xslgKjuM83IqwFfEXBnm7su3OouGWqc+62mQTsbnK65zRFnx6GXRXC1BAi 6m9Tm1PU0IiINz66ainquspkXYeHjd9hTwfR3BdFnzBTRRM01cKMFabWbLj8j0p8 fF4g9cxEdiLrzEF7Yz4WY0mI4Cpw4eJZfsHMc07Jn7QxfJhIoq+rqBOtEmTjnxMh aWeykoXMHlZN4K0ZrAytozVH1D4bugWA9Zuzi9U3F9hrVVABm11yyhd2iSqI6/FR GcCFOCBW1kEJbzoEguub+BV8LDi8ldljHalvur5k/VFhoDBxniYNsKmiCLVCmDWs /nF84hCReAOJt0vDGwqHe3E2BFFPbKwdJLRNkjxBY0c/pvaV+JxbWQmaxDZNeIFV hFcVGp48HNY3qLWZdsQIfT9m1masJFLVuq8Wx7bYs8Et5eFnH7kCDQRc3Y2FARAA 2DJWAxABydyIdCxgFNdqnYyWS46vh2DmLmRMqgasNlD0ozG4S9bszBsgnUI2Xs06 J76kFRh8MMHcu9I4lUKCQzfrA4uHkiOK5wvNCaWP+C6JUYNHsqPwk/ILO3gtQ/Ws LLf/PW3rJZVOZB+WY8iaYc20l5vukTaVw4qbEi9dtLkJvVpNHt//+jayXU6s3ew1 2X5xdwyAZxaxlnzFaY/Xo/qR+bZhVFC0T9pAECnHv9TVhFGp0JE9ipPGnro5xTIS LttdAkzv4AuSVTIgWgTkh8nN8t7STJqfPEv0I12nmmYHMUyTYOurkfskF3jY2x6x 8l02NQ4d5KdC3ReV1j51swrGcZCwsWNp51jnEXKwo+B0NM5OmoRrNJgF2iDgLehs hP00ljU7cB8/1/7kdHZStYaUHICFOFqHzg415FlYm+jpY0nJp/b9BAO0d0/WYnEe Xjihw8EVBAqzEt4kay1BQonZAypeYnGBJr7vNvdiP+mnRwly5qZSGiInxGvtZZFt zL1E3osiF+muQxFcM63BeGdJeYXy+MoczkWa4WNggfcHlGAZkMYiv28zpr4PfrK9 mvj4Nu8s71PE9pPpBoZcNDf9v1sHuu96jDSITsPx5YMvvKZWhzJXFKzk6YgAsNH/ MF0G+/qmKJZpCdvtHKpYM1uHX85H81CwWJFfBPthyD8AEQEAAYkCPAQYAQgAJhYh BGWNinfzS4qraDxN6qxBy+75CnZMBQJc3Y2FAhsMBQkHhh+AAAoJEKxBy+75CnZM Rn8P/RyL1bhU4Q4WpvmlkepCAwNA0G3QvnKcSZNHEPE5h7H3IyrA/qy16A9eOsgm sthsHYlo5A5lRIy4wPHkFCClMrMHdKuoS72//qgw+oOrBcwb7Te+Nas+ewhaJ7N9 vAX06vDH9bLl52CPbtats5+eBpePgP3HDPxd7CWHxq9bzJTbzqsTkN7JvoovR2dP itPJDij7QYLYVEM1t7QxUVpVwAjDi/kCtC9ts5L+V0snF2n3bHZvu04EXdpvxOQI pG/7Q+/WoI8NU6Bb/FA3tJGYIhSwI3SY+5XV/TAZttZaYSh2SD8vhc+eo+gW9sAN xa+VESBQCht9+tKIwEwHs1efoRgFdbwwJ2c+33+XydQ6yjdXoX1mn2uyCr82jorZ xTzbkY04zr7oZ+0fLpouOFg/mrSL4w2bWEhdHuyoVthLBjnRme0wXCaS3g3mYdLG nSUkogOGOOvvvBtoq/vfx0Eu79piUtw5D8yQSrxLDuz8GxCrVRZ0tYIHb26aTE9G cDsW/Lg5PjcY/LgVNEWOxDQDFVurlImnlVJFb3q+NrWvPbgeIEWwJDCay/z25SEH k3bSOXLp8YGRnlkWUmoeL4g/CCK52iAAlfscZNoKMILhBnbCoD657jpa5GQKJj/U Q8kjgr7kwV/RSosNV9HCPj30mVyiCQ1xg+ZLzMKXVCuBWd+G =lnt2 -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- ```