--- name: zitadel namespace: zitadel serviceAccountName: crdb externalSecrets: secretStoreName: zitadel vaultRole: zitadel secretPaths: - name: zitadel secrets: - secretKey: masterkey key: zitadel property: masterkey - secretKey: config-yaml key: zitadel property: config-yaml zitadel: # https://github.com/zitadel/zitadel/blob/main/cmd/defaults.yaml configmapConfig: ExternalSecure: false TLS: Enabled: false Database: cockroach: Host: "crdb-public" User: SSL: Mode: "verify-full" Admin: SSL: Mode: "verify-full" Machine: Identification: Hostname: Enabled: true Webhook: Enabled: false masterkeySecretName: "zitadel" serviceAccount: create: false annotations: {} name: "zitadel" initJob: # Once ZITADEL is installed, the initJob can be disabled. enabled: true annotations: helm.sh/hook: pre-install,pre-upgrade helm.sh/hook-delete-policy: before-hook-creation helm.sh/hook-weight: "1" resources: {} activeDeadlineSeconds: 300 extraContainers: [] podAnnotations: {}